𝐂𝐇. 12

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"Any suspects?" Kate asked. Her voice through the earphones in my ear sounded so different compared to hearing her in person. The same went with the visualization. She looked thinner on the other side of the screen. Every now and then the camera would glitch and she would look more tired than ever, when in reality, Kate Laswell was never tired.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Not yet, Kate. I've been spectating for now. Trying to get everyone's trust while at the same time watching them do their job and observing their movements."

"And how's that going?"

I crossed my arms in front of me and placed them on the cold desk, leaning closer to the laptop. "For now, I haven't seen anything suspicious. I trust Alejandro and his Vaqueros. He has a family he needs to protect. Therefore, he hates El Sin Nombre. And that makes Los Vaqueros hate El Sin Nombre."

"I gathered. But you're trusting only Alejandro in this. What if someone from Los Vaqueros is working with the cartel?"

I frowned. "The cartel is not good to the people in Las Armas. Most of Los Vaqueros have a family they need to protect. Parents, siblings, children, cousins. Families that are in danger if the cartel remains. I think that's what makes them trustworthy."

"Right. Hating what is dangerous to your family and wanting it gone. I'd do the same."


"What about Task Force Members?"

I thought for a moment. "John Price trusts Gaz. You trust Price. And that makes me trust Price and Gaz altogether."

Kate laughed, the interference splitting her laugh into chuckles, filling the spaces with nothing but silence. "Smartass," she said.

I continued so I wouldn't forget what I had in mind. "Meanwhile, Soap seems to loathe El Sin Nombre as well. As soon as he saw the cartel's members walk around with weapons in front of children, beating women and even grannies, he seemed determined to stay on our side."


"Now for Simon Riley..." My mind drifted back to two days ago. Simon's honey-brown eyes staring deeply into mine, making me believe I still had a soul. One that he wanted to take in his hands and leave permanent marks.

I just can't stop thinking about you.
How dare you tease me the way you did?
That's not what I like to be called.
What's my name, Valentina?

"Yes?" Kate's voice took me out of the daydream.

I brought my hand to my ear and stroked my earlobe. The innocent action that always helped me remember what I was going to say next. I opened my mouth but then closed it again. Uncertain. Hesitant. What could I say? That Simon couldn't stop thinking about me? That it hadn't even been two whole days since his fingers were gripping my thighs?

How was Simon Riley? Outside of my room, of course.

"He's reserved. He's quiet and careful with his movements." And I think he's rough when he wants to be. Did I mention he can't stop thinking about me? I pinched my ear and gulped. "All he does is stand in the corner and observe his surroundings. That is whenever he comes out of his room. He doesn't trust anyone, I believe."

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