𝐂𝐇. 13

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     I adored my ears. From the way they were shaped to the way I decorated them with jewelry. But right now, if I didn't need them to hear my surroundings, I could tear them apart. All so I couldn't hear this bastard exclaim things like how illegal it is to take him hostage. As if stealing American missiles for a terrorist attack wasn't illegal.

"Are you sure you don't have a tape over there?" I asked Alejandro from the middle seat.

"This is illegal!" Hassan shouted right next to me, and I suspected he was making sure to scream it right into my ears to make my head explode.

"No, but I wish," Alejandro sighed, sending me an apologetic smile.

"Let me go!"

Graves' voice came from the radio. "All stations, no visible threats in the area. You are clear to proceed."

"This is a crime!"

Alejandro grabbed the radio attached to his shoulder and pressed a button to speak. "Shadow-1, copy that. We're moving." The car began picking up its pace. Rodolfo was the one driving, and even through the rear mirror, I could tell he was as tired of hearing Hassan as I was.

"Where are we going? Where are you taking me? This is illegal!"

"Shut up," growled Simon in his unique way of sounding so fucking hot and predatory.

"You're all pricks."

Simon met my eyes just as I rolled them, and then gripped Hassan's elbow and yanked him closer. "Shut the hell up before I fucking make you."


Soap snorted from the backseat. "Did I just say that out loud or was it you?"

"Qué es eso?" What is that? I heard Rodolfo mutter under his breath. We all looked to the front, where a car was in the middle of the road, intersecting us. They were members of the cartel.

Soap gripped his radio. "Shadow-1, we may have a situation here."

Rodolfo rolled down his window to demand the cartel to move out of our way, but they refused and instead raised their weapons at us. They didn't have time to fire though, Rodolfo stepped on the gas and we shot forward.

I didn't even register the car that came from our right side until it was too late and it had already hit us, making us spin around. My head hit the window and dizziness washed over me, taking me out of my senses. Shitshitshit my headdd. The fucking car had collided right on my side, no wonder it almost made me lose my conscience.

My body hurt, everything did, but I was fine. I had to be fine. That slight whistle in my ears made my headache increase and I realized my vision had gone grey as I tried blinking a couple of times. Everything seemed to be upside down, as if my body was begging to rise to the ceiling.

"Bail out! Bail out!" I heard in the distance.

Suddenly everything made sense. I blinked again and realized everything was in fact upside down. Our car had flipped over from the crash. Motherfuckers.

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