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They all saw the kanji written "Upper three" in his eyes. He said something about his name being Akaza but they didn't care enough to listen.

Tomioka was getting ready to step in but Iguro stopped him "Remember, we're only serving as back up. Rengoku can handle it himself. Only if the fight gets out of hand or if Rengoku looks like he'll be heavily injured then we step in. For now we help the people."

Tomioka nodded and continued to help people out the train. It took them about 20 minutes but everyone was out from under or inside the train. Rengoku had taken a hit to his eye and it looked as though they were both going for final blows.

Iguro and Tomioka both unseathed their swords and were there in a flash. Tomioka cutting off Akaza's arms, one going for his stomach and the other in case he decided to try it again.

Unfortunately Akaza's arms regrew within a second and he was again going to attack Rengoku but Tomioka just kept slashing off his hands while Iguro and Rengoku worked on slashing off his head.

Akaza had learner Tomioka's pattern of attacks within those few seconds and found the perfect opening. The second he regrew his arm he immediately punched Rengoku, but he found that his arm was just cut in two.

'Shit the sun's coming up!' Akaza then stopped trying to fight and decided getting away would be for the best. The pillars knew this and were definitely not letting him go anywhere.

Akaza tried to hit Rengoku in the neck but Rengoku grabbed his arm and held it there, not showing any signs of letting up.

Akaza swung his leg back and was about to kick Iguro's kneecap in but Tomioka had slashed off his leg before he could. 'WHY THE HELL ARE THESE DAMNED PILLARS SO GOOD AT WORKING TO TOGETHER?! FUCK!!'

Eventually Akaza had landed a hard blow on Tomioka's stomach with his foot sending him flying into the trees nearby. He then worked on getting his own arm out of Rengoku's grip but it didn't work one bit. Akaza then ripped his arm out of Rengoku grip and grabbed his sword taking it out his neck.

Going in the opposite direction that Iguro's sword was. Iguro on the other hand had his sword stuck in Akaza's neck and was not letting him get away.

Iguro continued to try and keep his sword in Akaza's neck but he had just thrown his sword out his neck. 'Fuck we won't get another opportunity like this again.'

Iguro decided that it'd still be ok as long as they keep Akaza out from under the shade. He'd eventually burn to ashes anyway as long as he stays here.

'Rengoku and I should be fine from now, we'll go check up on Tomioka once this mission is over.' Rengoku and Iguro just kept attacking Akaza.

Thankfully the sun was getting closer and closer to rising, every time it was about to touch Akaza he'd just take the fight further to the trees.

Iguro and Rengoku were starting to get tired, I mean how could they not? Their only humans. Rengoku was especially tired since he's been fighting from the beginning.

"Just keep it up a little longer Rengoku. The sun's nearly up." Tanjirou had enough sitting back and watching. He got up and starting running at Akaza with his sword.

"How foolish." Little did he know Tanjirou just avoided the whole group and was just busy with going inside the forest.

"What the hell that isn't even where the water pillar is. What is this kid doing?" Akaza laughed out and the two pillars were just as confused.

Inosuke then also ran into the forest holding his two swords. Tanjirou started to put strong rope he got from a kakushi around large rock.

He had to remember to thank Urokodaki for setting up so many traps because just from seeing the way they were set up he knew how to make traps.

He was setting traps close to the fight so that if Akaza gets away hopefully the traps will slow him down enough for Iguro and Rengoku to chase him and kill him.

"Do you think this is enough Inosuke?" Tanjirou and Inosuke looked up and saw atleast 20-40 rocks hanging up in the air above them.

"HAHA OF COURSE, THERE'S NO WAY THAT DEMON CAN BEAT THE ALL MIGHTY MOUNTAIN KING HAGAGAGAHA" Tanjirou was happy that the fight was making so much noise that Akaza couldn't have heard them.

"Now let's go check up on that awesome guy!" Inosuke immediately started running towards Tomioka and Tanjirou just followed him. They saw that Tomioka was on the verge of passing out but luckily it didn't look too bad.

He obviously had the wind knocked out of him but otherwise he's fine, thankfully his body didn't fly into a branch and then it went through his body so they were both relieved to see he was still alive.

"Can you breath alright, Tomioka?" Tanjirou asked politely while sitting on his knees next to him. "Yeah. I just can't get up for a while. I breath." Clearly he wasn't fine but they let him be.

"Get on my back so I can carry you out the forest incase that ugly demon comes and decides to try and kill you." Inosuke was blunt and didn't even worry for an answer before he started to try and put Tomioka on his back.

"Ok fine." Tomioka just sat there while Inosuke got him on his back and started to run back to Zenitsu. Completely avoiding the fight while running.

The pillars had succeeded in their mission to keep Akaza in the open while the sun comes up and Akaza had started to disintegrate. The last thing he saw was Tanjirou looking at him with kind eyes, similar to that of Koyuki.

Memories started to flood back and as he was about to die he saw a small woman hugging him and looking at him kindly even though she looked fairly sickly.

Then Muzan appeared behind him pulling his hair to pull him back to life. Akaza had other plans, he was happy. This woman was his love who would want to go back to that life?

Akaza just hugged the woman back and he began to disintegrate without resistance.

"The Demon looked like it regretted killing all those people before dying." Iguro scoffed and Rengoku smiled at him "Better late than never am I right!!"

"We'll check up on Tomioka later those kids already took him to kakushi members and their taking him to the butterfly estate. Are you alright Rengoku?" Rengoku was losing balance and couldn't walk straight.

"Can we get some help here?!" Iguro shouted in the direction of a Kakushi member, two started running there immediately and picked them both up.

"Huh? I'm fine put me down." The Kakushi shook their heads as to say no, even tho she defied him, she was terrified of the consequences of not listening to a pillars demand.

She was mentally preparing herself for what was to come but just felt more dead weight. 'Ah he fell asleep, well that's good..' The female kakushi was relieved and just kept running to the Butterfly estate.

Tomioka woke up in a white room but only for it to be replaced with a face. "What do you want Kocho?" She just smiled and gave him medicine "Huh, usually you ignore me and don't say a word. What happened to make it change?"

He knew that if he told her, she would likely tease him about it for the rest of his life but he knew she wouldn't tell anyone else. 'Should I tell her? Or should I just tell Kanroji? No. She's not very good at keeping secrets unfortunately..'

"Ok, but you really have to promise not to tell anyone." Kocho was smiling but then she went to a more serious look as if to reassure him she wouldn't say a word to anyone.

And so Tomioka told her everything, not leaving out a single detail. From him being naked and Iguro as well, to Enmu telling him it was in fact one of his biggest desires.


Imma end it there for today😋

Hope you guys enjoyed, I'm gonna start writing a Sanemi x Iguro fanfic as well, maybe today or tomorrow it depends.

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