Chapter 11

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-Brecklynn's Pov-

    The drive on the way to the hotel was silent. All you could hear was our breathing and the car radio. When we got to the hotel I got out of the car, grabbed my luggage and went up to my room without saying a word. 

    We didn't do much the rest of the day, we just relaxed. The rest of the group went to dinner but I didn't feel like going. I went out onto my balcony and watched the sun set behind the city. 

    I was sitting lost in my thoughts when I heard the balcony door opening behind me. I jumped so high that I swear I almost fell over the railing. I turned around and there stood Joe... 

"How'd you get into my room?" I ask while turning back around to look at the city.

"Izzy gave me a key..." He says. 

"Oh..." I say not  knowing what to say.

"Brecklynn... I'm sorry for breaking up with you. I was scared of losing you so before I could get hurt I decided to break up with you first... I didn't know what to do..." Joe says to me.

"Joe... It hurt so much... I loved you Joe... Heaven forbid I still love you and I hate it because you basically told me that tour was more important than me." I say starting to cry. 

"I shouldn't have... I'm sorry. You mean so much to me. Literally more than anything on this planet. I can't lose you..." He replies.

    I couldn't take it anymore. I brought my mouth to his so fast. Him wrapping his arms around my waist and me wrapping my arms around his neck. It turned into a make-out session really fast. Oh gosh I missed this...

    We finally pulled away his head facing downwards as his head was on mine.

"Be my girlfriend again..." He says out of breath.

"Ok..." I whisper while breathing heavily.

    He then planted another soft kiss onto my lips but this time sweet and passionate not aggressive. We then pulled away and went into the bedroom to cuddle. We layed on my bed and cuddled while we watched a movie. 

    We didn't even hear the door open or everyone come in when they did until we heard squealing coming from two girls in particular. 


"A week and a day actually." Joe says being a smart alec. 

"Oh shut up Joe you started this whole thing in the first place." Izzy says while rolling her eyes.

"Ok that's enough... that's enough... we are back together and that's all that matters." I say with a smile. 

"I guess that's true..." Izzy replies with a sigh. 

    We all hung out together the rest of the night until it was time for bed. Joe and the guys went back to their room. We only have tomorrow until we go home because they have to leave immediately the next day for their next tour stop. 

    We get to go to the concert tonight and we get free backstage passes because why not. We got up this morning and got ready. WE ARE IN GEORGIA WHERE THEY FILMED STRANGER THINGS. SO TODAY WE ARE ALL TOURING THE FILMING SPOTS. Joseph is actually going to show us around. 

-Later behind stage-

    Today blew by so fast. We all had a blast. It was good to be in Joe's arms again though. They are about to start their concert and I am sooo excited. 

"Today was so-" Izzy started to say before she was interrupted by extremely loud cheering.

    Guess the boys started. We snuck out of the back stage and into VIP so we could watch. They first performed Sucker which is definitely my fav song by them. 

"Wait- does anyone else smell cheese!?" Kevin asks while scrunching his nose. 

"Oh my gosh I do... It kinda makes me want some..." Joe says. 

"Me too, what about you Nick..." Kevin asks.

"Nah not really because..." He starts to say while starting to play his guitar...

"I eat cheese

But only on pizza, please

And sometimes on a homemade quesadilla

Otherwise it smells like feet to me" He starts singing.

    The boys joined in on different parts of the song to make it fun. They had a really good night but it was time for us all to go back because the concert was over but we also have an early flight to catch in the morning. 

-The next morning-

    We are at the airport once again with the guys. We get to wait with them for a bit though because they have a flight to catch as well to get to their next tour spot. Joe and I cuddling and across from us Nick and Izzy kissing every second... Katie and Joseph asleep cuddling next to us and Kevin across from us with his girlfriend we don't really know that well. 

It's going to be thirteen long months without seeing him again. Yay... I guess...

"Flight 183 to Forks Washington is now boarding. Please make your way to gate five." We heard blare over the loudspeakers.

Oh dang it, I'm crying again.    

"I got to go..." I try to say through my tears.

"I know... I love you and I promise not to break up with you this time." He says with a chuckle.

I laughed through my tears. " I love you too." I say while going on my tippy toes to place a kiss on his lips. 

He kissed back and we pulled away because I will miss my flight if I'm too long. Joe then finally let me go and I walked over to Katie to wake her up. 

"Katie wake up!" I say while shaking her. 

"Noooo...." She says while groaning and shoving her face into Joseph. 

"KATIE!" I yell

"FINE!" She yells back while getting up. 

    Joseph finally woke up from all of the commotion and got up to go back to Forks with us. Izzy was still making out with Nick so I had to pull her away from him. Oh my gosh I'm the freaking mother. 

    We finally started walking to the gate when I heard Joe calling my name from behind. 

"Brecklynn... WAIT" he says

"Yea?" I ask while turning around.

"I forgot to give you this... Open it when you're on the plane." he says with a smile.

"Thank you! I will. I love you." I say while giving him one last kiss. 

"I love you too." He says with a smile.

    We finally parted ways for what felt like the millionth time and we made it to the Plane. We sat down in our seats. Joseph by the window. Katie next to him. Me next to Katie. Then Izzy by the aisle. 

    When we were settled I finally decided to open the gift that Joe had got me. I feel bad because I would've got him something if I knew he was getting me something. I placed the little box on my lap. I took a hold of the lid and took it off slowly. 

    I looked down into the box and it was an open locket with my favorite picture of Joe and I in it. My arms around his neck while we are kissing but have the biggest smiles on our faces. Underneath the locket was a note so I opened it and read it.

To: My Love

From: Joe♥️

    Dear Brecklynn, I really am sorry that I put you through that pain, I don't know what I was thinking when I thought breaking up with you would be the best option for us. You make me a better person, and I really don't know what I would do without you by my side. Brecklynn I love you so much and I promise I will text or call you every day. Hopefully these thirteen months fly by. Love you! Love Joe. 

    Spoiler alert it made me cry. Oh boy do I love this guy. 

A/n: Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It sure is chaotic but a fun one. I hope you are having an amazing week so far and remember to drink water and eat and I will see you in the next chapter. 

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