Chapter 2

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-Brecklynn’s Pov-

    I think I fell asleep for a little bit because next thing you know they tell us we are landing. I’m a light sleeper but Izzy isn’t because dang she somehow slept through the whole flight…

“Izzy!” I whisper while shaking her awake.

“W-what… are we here?” She asks while sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

“Yes! We are almost on the ground.” I say to her excitedly.

    Izzy doesn’t know my mom and Kalton are coming yet. I think she will be excited though because Izzy and I have been friends since the daycare ages. She see’s Kalton as an older brother and Kalton see’s her as a younger sister. Simple as that.

    The plane finally landed and we were able to get off. We got a bus to our hotel and we got our room. Izzy and I have a room together then my mom and Kalton will share a room. We got settled in and laid down on our queen size beds that were in the middle of the room.

    Our room is the typical hotel room, nothing to fancy. It's Wednesday today and like 7pm already so we are probably going to eat then go to bed because it's been a long day traveling. The good thing is that Los Angeles and Forks have the same time zone.

    Izzy and I finally got up to go to dinner because we are starving. We went to Chick-fil-a because why would we not? Also I kinda forced her to go… Just kidding, I'm not that mean. We ended up talking about what we were going to do while we were here. I obviously didn’t tell her about the meet and greet because of the surprise. I think I am going to just tell her we are going to an event of some sort then she will see when we get there.

    We finally went back to the hotel and went to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. We are hiking up to the Hollywood sign and I can’t wait.


The next day was more of a chill day. We just went up to the Hollywood sign, took some pictures and just walked around exploring for things to do while we were here. We also went to the beach and found so many beautiful seashells that we are keeping for our collections. Also we are coming to the beach everyday. Yes we have beaches in Washington but the beaches here in California are so much better.

That's all we really did for Thursday then Friday finally came around. Today I am secretly going to pick up Kalton and my mom from the airport. They are flying in extremely early so I can pick them up before Izzy wakes up. My alarm went off at 3:30. Once my alarm went off I got up and took thirty minutes to get ready.

After I got ready I got the keys to the rental car and got in. I then started driving to the airport. LAX Isn’t that far from the hotel and their flight gets in extremely soon so I have to hurry a little bit. I finally got here and waited in the pick up area. As soon as I saw them I jumped out and gave them each a huge hug. I can’t live without my family at all.

“How are you guys!” I say with a huge smile on my face.

“Good! How has sunny cali been?” Kalton asks me.

“It’s been amazing but soo hot!” I said to him,

“I Bet!” He says back.

“Hey sweetie! I am doing good but I am so excited to see you again!” She says while embracing me in another tight hug.

“Mom, it's only been like two days!” I say with a giggle.

“Yea that's still too long.” She says with a chuckle.

“Ok whatever you say but we better get back. I don’t want Izzy to wake up while we're gone.” I say while opening the car door.

    We all got in the car and went to the hotel. I went back into my room quietly and Izzy was still fast asleep. When I got back into bed and my head hit the pillow I was out once again. I need my sleep for the eventful day that was going to be happening.

-The Morning-

    It is finally the day that I have been waiting for. I am so excited to meet Joe AHHHH. Surprising Izzy is going to be one of the best parts as well though. We are currently all ready and sitting on our beds. My mom just texted me saying that her and Kalton were ready.

“Hey Izzy, come on, we are going to an event today!” I say with a huge smile.

“OoOoOoO what type of event?” She asks me.
“It’s a meet and greet but I have no idea who is going to be there.” I say with a shrug.

“Oh cool!” She says while hopping off the bed.

“We need to make a quick stop really fast though.” I say while stepping out into the hall.

“Ok sounds good!” She says while following me.

    We got into the elevator and I pressed the second floor. Our room is on the sixth floor. I looked over at Izzy and she looked really confused but just went along with it. When the elevator stopped we got off and I ran to my mom and Kalton’s room. I then knocked when Izzy was next to me. When they answered the door she looked shocked.

“What are you guys doing here!?” She asks with wide eyes and looking confused.

A/n: Hey guys! Here is Chapter 2! I hope you are having an amazing day today! Remember to stay hydrated and eat food! Love you guys!-Brecklynn 💛

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