Chapter 9

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-Katie’s Pov-

    We finally made it out of that escape room. It only took two hours. Now Ulises is taking me who knows where. We have been driving for about fifteen minutes. We pulled up to a beautiful daisy field. I got out of the car and started walking towards the field not realizing Ulises wasn’t behind me. 

    Did he know Daisy’s were my favorite flower? As I was walking in the field I noticed a path. Above the path there were fairy lights leading to somewhere. They were hanging from the trees. I started following the fairy lights and as I went farther along the path I noticed I was getting closer to a beautiful set up. 

    There was a guy standing at the set up. Wait… Is that Joseph!? Yep that is in fact Joseph. I finally got to the set up and Joseph was just smiling at me. 

“What is all this Joe?” I ask him.

“Well… When I first laid my eyes on you I thought you were the most beautiful person in the world. And as I got to know you I realized that you were the most kind person ever. I really like you Katie…” He said to me, 

    Let's just say I was in shock.

“I really like you too!” I say with a big smile.

“Oh thank goodness! I was really worried you didn’t… Will you be my girlfriend then?” He asked me.

“Of course I will be your girlfriend.” I say with the biggest smile across my face. 

“YES!” He yells while picking me up and spinning me in a circle. 

    He then set me down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER! I then heard screaming coming from behind the tree’s. Ah Brecklynn’s here.

“Brecklynn?” I Say while turning the direction of the tree’s.  

    Brecklynn then came from behind the tree with a huge grin on her face.

“How’d you know it was me?” She asked.

“Who wouldn't?” I replied to her.

“I mean you're not wrong.” She responded. 

“Well congrats to you two but I will let you guys enjoy the rest of your date!” She said while turning to start walking away.

“BYE B LUV YOU!” I yelled as she walked away.

“BYE LUV YOU!” She yelled back.

    It's fun having close friends like Izzy and Brecklynn.

-Brecklynn’s Pov-

    The other’s went to the car while I was talking to Katie. I am now currently walking back. 

“BOO!” A loud voice says behind me while grabbing me.

    I screamed so loud it's not even funny. I turned around super fast to see Joe laughing hysterically on the floor. 


“I’m sorry baby I had too!” He says while coming over to me and giving me a hug.

“It’s ok I guess!” I say with a smile and peck him on the lips.

“I gotta talk to you. That's why I didn’t go back to the car yet.” He says as he grabs my hand and starts walking. 

“What's up?” I questioned him.

“So… I am not going to be able to see you for like a year and a half… My brothers and I are going on tour…” Joe replied to me. 

“What? I’m not going to be able to see you for 18 months?” I replied to him while getting teary eyed. 

“Baby don’t cry please! We can call and facetime everyday…” He replied while hugging me. 

“Ok.. How long is it until you leave…” I say while hugging him back. 

“Uhh four days…” He replied.

I buried my face into his chest and cried. We just sat there in silence. It’s going to be hard but we can keep in contact and it will be ok. We will be fine. 

-Izzy’s Pov-

“Hey baby…” Nick says to me.

“Yea?” I ask while sitting down on the couch in my bedroom. 

“I have to go on tour in four days for 18 months…” He replies. 

“What…” I say while starting to cry. 

“Bub please don’t cry, I hate when you're upset!” Nick says while hugging me.

“It’s really hard not too.” I say with a laugh through my tears. 

    Nick then puts his lips on mine. It may or may not have turned into a make-out session you’ll never know. We then finally pulled away and we just cuddled and watched movies the rest of the time we were together. 

    Yes it will be hard but me and Nick are a strong couple. We can do it! We can do it…

-Brecklynn’s pov-

-4 days later-

    We are currently at the airport and I am balling my eyes out. I am hugging Joe and I refuse to let go. Joe then gave me a long passionate kiss. 

“Brecklynn! I love you- I mean uh um….” His cheeks went bright red

    I just kissed him again then pulled away. 

“I love you to Joe…” I say with a warm smile.

    We then pulled away from the hug because he had to leave. I then started crying some more. What you would too if someone you loved was leaving you for 18 months. This is going to be the longest year and a half ever. 

A/n: Hey guys I hope you are having a wonderful day! This storing keeps getting more and more chaotic by thr chapter but I love every bit of it! Remember to stay safe and that you are amazing remember to eat and drink today! I love you guys!-Brecklynn 💛

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