Chapter 10

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-Brecklynn’s Pov-

    It has been five brutally slow months of Joe being gone. We haven’t got to call for two months because apparently he is too busy. I get that he’s on tour but I want to talk to him. I mean I am his girlfriend for heaven's sake. I mean I get a week or two but months!? Whatever I guess it is what it is. 

    I was in the middle of cleaning my bedroom when my phone screen lit up. It was Joe! Finally it's about time!




Hey babe! It’s been awhile.”

Hey Brecklynn..I need to talk to you.”

“Ok cool whats up…”

“I don’t think this long distance is working…”

“W-what do you mean…”

“Our communication isn’t the best and I can't worry about our relationship and the tour at the same time.”

“Excuse me… our communication hasn’t been good! I have tried calling you for the last two months and guess what no answer… fine whatever if you don’t want me I won’t talk to you again.”

-End Call-

~Blocked by Brecklynn~

    I put down my phone and just cried. I didn’ think he was one of those jerky celebrities but I guess I was wrong. I knew it was too good to be true. 

    I laid down in bed and stared at the ceiling. Not knowing what to do. I am not telling anyone about this. 

-1 week later-


    Again I am watching stranger things. No surprise there and again there's a knock on the front door. 

“AHHH STOP I DON”T WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE!” I yelled from the couch.

“Well we are coming in any way.” Izzy says while barging in through the front door with Katie. 

“What do you wantttt” I whine. 

“We have a surprise for you. Do you want to say it Katie?” Izzy says. 

“Of course I do! WE GOT YOU A TICKET TO FLY AND SEE JOE!” Katie yells.

    My eyes went huge and I went pale. NOOOOO.

“Sorry I'm not interested.” I say while turning back to the TV.

“What!? Why we thought you would be excited to see Joe? Like I'm excited to see Nick… Katie and Joseph are going too plus we bought your ticket…” Izzy says to me. 

“Well we broke up.” I say blankly while still staring at the TV screen. 

“WHAT!? WHEN I NEED DETAILS.” Katie yells.

“Apparently he can’t focus on our relationship and tour at the same time” I say blankly one again.

“Yep you’re coming no if’s and's or but’s we leave tomorrow your mom is ok with it we talked to her first I packed your bags and you can’t tell us otherwise.” Izzy says to me.

“No please, I don't want to go.” I say while starting to get teary eyed.

“Yes! Sorry I will drag you out of bed myself.” Katie says joining the conversation. 

“Fine, whatever, just stop bugging me.” I say returning to my stranger things.

-The next day-

    I am on the plane. I really don’t want to be here but I got dragged out of my house this morning. We have fifteen minutes until we land in Atlanta Georgia. I really hope they don’t force me to see Joe because if they do I am not talking to him. 

    We landed, got our baggage and walked out to the pick-up area. Two cars pulled up to us and Nick, Kevin and Joe hopped out. Aw man… I looked over at Joe and he was already looking at me. We made eye contact and I hurried and looked away. Not wanting to make this situation worse. 

“B!” Kevin yells.

“Kev!” I yell back while giving him a hug.

“How have you been?” He asks.

“I could be better. How about you?” I ask.

“Oh… yeah I heard about you and Joe. I’m sorry about that but I've been doing pretty good. Yes, the tour has been stressful but also fun.” He says to me,

“It’s fine… Also I bet tour sounds like a lot of work. 

    I looked over so I could give Nick a hug but he was occupied kissing Izzy. Should have figured. Once everyone said their hello’s we started getting into cars to leave for the hotel. 

    I was walking over to the car that Nick was driving because I really didn’t want to ride in the car Joe was in because of reasons we all know. 

“Sorry this car is full… You’re going to have to ride with Joe…” Joseph says to me.

“What? Who else is in that car?” I ask

“No one, it's just you and Joe.. I'm sorry.” Joseph says to me looking guilty.

“Can someone please trade with me!?” I ask into the car.

“I’m sorry we’re all situated…” Izzy says. 

    I just turned around and walked to Joe’s car. They set this up. Those nasty little jerks. I hopped into the back seat not really wanting to talk to Joe or make eye contact.

“Brecklynn… Just come up front” Joe says to me.

“Nah.. I think I'm ok right here.” I say while looking out the window.

“Brecklynn… please.” He says, sounding desperate. 

“Fine whatever.” I say finally giving in. 

    I stepped out of the car and walked to the front. I sat down, closed the door, put my seatbelt on and watched out the window. We didn’t talk the whole time. It's honestly probably better that way. 

A/n: Hey guys so drama lol! Anyways I hope you are all enjoy this book and having an amazing day! I hope you're drinking water and eating and giving yourself you time! Love you guys! -Brecklynn 💛

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