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Ember woke up yawning. She sat up and plugged her phone in. Denki wasn't there anymore as she stood up, and got dressed in her uniform. She grabbed her bag and looked at the time seeing she has an hour till class. 'God I woke up early. Whyyyy' Ember thought whining to herself. She walked to the dorm lounge room. She froze when the squad was looking at her their arms crossed, and Todoroki aswell.

"Hey guys? Why are you all looking at me like that?" Ember said confused putting her bag down. "Who was on the phone last night. It looked like a villain." Denki said disappointed. "My god. You where in my room?! They were friends not villains!!" Ember's voice rose as her whole body heated up. "Stay out of my room!!!" She said staring at Denki the group coming to their senses.

"Woah woah woah calm down now." Todoroki said slowly coming closer. She backed up breathing rapidly grabbing her bag and looked at the group running out of the doors. She finally lost them and took a deep breath in the cafeteria. She sighed as she heard; "I AM HERE". Almight came and sat with her.

"What's wrong young hero?" Almight said seeing Ember was upset. "It's just my friends accusing me of talking to villains but they were just friends." Ember sighed pissed and annoyed. "Well why would they accuse you?" Almight said taking mental notes. "I was talking to friends about the villains. They were asking me if I fought them yet and I said no because I didn't." She put her hair in a braid. "Well there's nothing to worry about then. Now get to class young lady." He smiled his signature smile walking off. Ember sighed and got to the classroom sitting in her seat.

Aizawa walked in surprisingly without his yellow sleeping bag. "Today we're training against each other. We will be learning ways to improve ourselves and our quirks. Get your hero costume and follow me." Aizawa said as everyone grabbed theirs. Ember's hero costume was already made. She wore a black with purple swirls jumpsuit that was fireproof. It was also made so she can move easily in it. The class followed Aizawa to the gym.

*************In the locker rooms**********
Mineta the creep he was was peeking through a hole into the girls locker room. "Oh Denki you gotta see this!" He said excitedly as Ember stood still. All the boys told him to get away from the hole but he refused. Ember whispered to Jiro to put her earphone Jack into the whole stabbing, but not killing his eye. Mineta jumped back in pain as Bakugou slapped him as well. "OWWW THAT HURT!" He cried in pain holding his eye. "We warned you dude." Denki said staring at him as he puts his shirt on. The girls laughed as they head out.

***************Training Grounds*********
Ember looked around and saw her mess cleaned up. She smiled and sighed. She gathered around Aizawa as everyone else did. "Alright. Ectoplasm will help us today." Aizawa looked at him and nodded. Ectoplasm nodded as half of the ground rose up to different heights. "Uraraka stay with me. Everyone else go fight Ectoplasm's clones." Aizawa nodded as Uraraka stayed and the rest ran onto the rocks. Ember goes to run but a clone appears in front of her as she tries to blast it with fire but it just goes around it. Ember's eyes went wide eyed and then took a deep breath as the clone came towards her. 'Rember your training. Remember your training. Remember your training' ember thought to herself over and over again as she continues to fight the clone.

'Maybe if you work harder you might possibly take number one. You have to lose a few pounds. The public doesn't like chubby people. You need to train more and overwork yourself so you get use to it. You'll never beat me.' Those thoughts came into Ember's head as she screamed, and her clone absolutely got destroyed by her fire. You can tell her flashbacks weren't quite over. Todoroki went wide eyed but couldn't do anything. Clone after clone kept getting destroyed as she fought them with her fists and without fire. She was sweating. They stopped for a water break.

She sat against the wall sipping her water with her eyes closed. She emptied her bottle sighing. She ignored everyone until someone sat beside her and hugged her tightly. More and more people joined in. She opened her eyes and saw Todoroki. He was the one that hugged her first. Then the rest of the class joined in, even Aizawa. She hugged Todoroki back taking a deep breath. "It's ok. He's not here. He won't hurt you I promise." Todoroki smiled and made her favorite funny face, as kids, and she started laughing lightly. "I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's ear drums. I'm sorry if I worried anyone." They all said it was ok. They all departed and let go of her as Aizawa approached.

Ember put her head down. "I'm sorry I acted like this sir." She said disappointed. All she got for a response was a hug from him. Todoroki filled him in on what might happen with her. "It's ok. I have gone through something similar." Aizawa whispered to her as she hugged back. "I'm sorry sir." Ember said closing her eyes before letting go. Aizawa looked at the time. "Back to training everyone." Aizawa smiled and nodded at Ember. The rest of the training went smoothly. Everyone got tips on how to work on their quirks.

Ember TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now