Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of the song of Family Portrait by Pink. I turned my Alarm off and then stood up. I rubbed my eyes taking in the amount of light that hit them. I couldn't say I was the happiest girl but it was the last day of school. Ever. Then tonight we had prom and we had to take a date. No matter how much fighting I had with my mother last night, she made me take Harry. The boy that I am now forced to date. I really hated this. He is famous. I will get an incredible amount of hate from fans just for even being in the same room as the one direction band, but Dating one of the members from one direction brings your life at risk. I mean have you seen those fans? There are millions of girls there. They would kill me.

I stepped out of bed and walked straight towards my shower, taking a quick shower where I washed my body and then jumped out. The cold air hit me and it was freezing. After getting dressed into my school uniform, I did my make up, walked down the stairs and ran into a curly headed boy. I looked up at him and he looked down.

"Hey." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. He knew I hated it. Wait re word. He knew I hated him.

"Move." I said.

"Nah." He said and then I barged him out of the way, walking past him and into the kitchen. "Hey, you can't do that if we are dating."

"Well that's the thing. I would never date someone like you. So just remember that this is forced." I snapped.

"Why do you hate me?"

"You know exactly why I hate you Styles." I said looking him in the eyes. My voice was cold.

"I'll see you tonight." He said walking away. I ran a hand through my hair and then took a deep breath as my mother walked through the door.

"What?" I snapped at her as she kept on staring at me.

"You will take him to the prom tonight and you will act like a couple. Have you got this?" she asked.

"Why do you want us to date?" I asked and then she looked at me.

"Because Anne and I have always wanted to be related. So if you are forced to date, you can fall in love eventually and then get married." She said.

"Well I hope you like the fact your making me feel horrible." I said grabbing my bag and walking to the school which was only down the road. Once I arrived at school it was fun. We all talked about our dresses until I got asked the dreaded question.

"Who's your date Ashley?" My friend Stephanie asked me.

"Harry Styles." I mumbled. She sat there shocked.

"He's hot." And that one sentence set me off.

"You think that now?" I asked rhetorically. "You are the one that used to bully me every day for hanging out with him. So you don't have a right to say that." I said harshly. It's not every day you see me sticking up for him. I haven't talked about him until now for the past three years. She didn't answer. She just sat back gobsmacked. Her being the most popular girl in school wouldn't expect one person to say something to her. Well bitch, last day of school. I'll be as bitchy as I want.

I slammed my book and stood up walking away from the table. I wasn't expecting anyone to follow me as I walked out. They were all just Steph's followers. I didn't want anything to do with them. They weren't real friends. I looked around and saw no one. Exactly what I thought. That fake smile still plastered on my face. I did one thing I never thought I would do. I jumped the school fence and walked away from the shithole. I walked down the shops and saw a group of people walking around in front of me. One of them turned around and once I saw the curls I turned around too. I started walking the other way.

"Ashley Underwood skipping school, never thought I would see that." I could just hear the smirk in his voice. I turned around and saw none other than the one direction members.

"Well you thought wrong." I snapped at him.

"Someone's on their period." He said as he walked up to me.

"Jokes like that are not funny. And you would be happy to know I do not have my period." I said fake smiling. He rolled his eyes.

"So why are you skipping school?" He asked.

"No reason." I said avoiding any eye contact.

"Liar." He smirked.

"Just don't fucking worry about it Harry." I said. I looked to my left and saw my mother walking with Anne. I cursed under my breath and then ran for it. I jumped over things until I knew I was away from my mother and Harry, and One Direction.

I got home at 5 leaving me about an hour to get ready as the prom started at six. I had a shower and then put on a singlet and some sweats. I then put my hair up in a low elegant pony tail with some loose curls here and there. I then put on my foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, lip liner and lip gloss. I looked my dress up and down. It was a light blue and white long simple but elegant dress. I wore high heels with it, but I was still shorter than most people. I took a deep breath before walking down the stairs with my bag. I poked my head out and saw my mother, Anne and Harry all standing there. Harry was wearing a suit. He was actually dressed up. I poked my head back and then stepped down the final stair.

"We ready to go?" I asked standing in the middle of the room.

"You look stunning." Anne gushed and I thanked her. My mother on the other hand just stood there with the keys in her hand. Thanks mother. Just ready to leave without saying how I look. I put on a fake smile and breathed through my teeth.

We stepped out of the car at the prom. I walked a bit before Harry caught up and grabbed my hand. I went to pull my hand away but he whispered in my ear.

"We're dating remember." I rolled my eyes and kept walking. As we stepped into the room everyone gasped. Well the girls, the guys just rolled their eyes and kept talking. I looked around the room and saw everyone. Stephanie was giving me glares which I shrugged off.

They were now announcing the prom queen for us and Stephanie was already getting ready to walk up to take her crown.

"The winner is..." The teacher started as the drum roll played. I took a sip of my drink.

"Ashley Underwood" I choked on my own drink. How did I win? Everyone was forced to vote for Stephanie. I looked around at everyone and the girls behind Stephanie were cheering. They voted for me and they were Steph's 'Followers.'

The teacher placed the crown on my head and I started thanking everyone.

After my speech we all had to slow dance to a song with our dates. Even though the song wasn't slow we all managed to slow dance.

'Trying not to love you

Only went so far,

Trying not to need you,

Is tearing me apart'

The song played in my head. One of my favourite songs. Nickleback's trying not to love you.

'Trying not to love you

only makes me love you more'

A/N - Umm hey everyone Umm almost 29 000 reads on I Should've kissed you and almost 3000 reads on forgive and forget.

Thanks so much guys xx ;)

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