Part 24

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Virat didn't know what was going on but he felt that air was getting knocked out and he couldn't breathe. All he could see was darkness which was causing him to hyperventilate.

"No one is coming to save you", the voice echoed in his ears.

"Rohit...Ro..", Virat called but there was no response.

All Virat could see was darkness swallowing him.. he could smell blood and could see someone in front of him smirking.. but he could hardly recognise the face..

"Cheeku.. bacha!!", Virat could hear some soft voice but he was not able to reach that voice.

"Cheeku.. I am here by your side kiddo! Always.. you will always find me bacha!!", Virat could hear that but it seemed that he was not able to reach that voice.

"What did u think that you will destroy my plans? You yourself got destroyed by me.. see you forgot ur bhai, ur most important person in your life. The one you loved the most and could do anything for him. He is suffering only and only because of you. Do u think you saved him from me? Yes, you did! But now what about saving him from you.. because as you forgot him he is miserable, he is hurting because of you! You are the reason of his misery" the voice echoed.

"No I can never hurt him.. I can never.." Virat whispered desperately.

"You have to drop him from the team"

"You don't know me I can do anything"

"Don't curse me, u don't know the consequences"

"Cheeku please tell me whats wrong kiddo? Please.. if I did something which has hurt you? Don't behave like this that you don't care about me"

"I told you it's nothing!"

"Vi.. Cheeku"

"Bhai he will hurt you"

All thoughts were so scattered.


That voice was heard everytime he felt lonely in the darkness surrounding. It was calming him down to some extent. The only problem was when he tried to reach to it or go closer to that person.. the person was vanishing!

Everyone in the room was trying to calm Virat down but he was hyperventilating to a higher level.
He was thrashing his legs and hands causing the drips to get detached from his hand.

"What's wrong??" Mahi asked who was sitting outside the room saw everyone rushing towards Virat's room. Rohit was sleeping under the effects of medicines in another room.

"We don't know yet.. it seems he is in some kind of trance and shock. He is panicking", nurse informed.

"God!! Please don't test us more now.. already my kids suffered so much, specially my Cheeku from dealing everything alone and then saving me. Please don't give him punishment like this. He deserves nothing but happiness please. He has always thought of others first and then himself. He doesn't deserve this.. my kiddo doesn't deserve this pain", Mahi prayed silently.

Doctor came outside and Mahi rushed to him.

"He had some kind of dream or may be some incident which his brain was trying to remember hard which caused him to panic. We have sedated him, we will know exact state of his mind after he wakes up. You can be with him", doctor said.

Mahi went inside and saw Virat sleeping soundly due to medicines. His forehead was covered in sweat. Mahi took the tissue from nurse and started wiping his face noticing how tired he looked.

Mahi kept his hand on Virat's very lightly not to hurt him in anyway.

"Please be okay Cheeku, I miss u a lot. I miss ur whining, ur love, ur stupid silly possessive talks. Please come back to ur Mahi bhai, I am waiting bacha! I will never be okay without u, u know that right? So don't trouble ur bhai.. please come back to me!", Mahi said caressing his cheeks.

Mahi didn't knew when he slept holding his hand and keeping his head on his bed in sitting position.
He woke up within an hour after noticing moment on his hand.

Virat had gripped it tightly and he was trying to open his eyes. Mahi informed to nurse immediately. He could not get up as Virat was holding his hand really tightly.

Rohit too arrived on wheelchair as he was not allowed to walk for 1 week.

"Virat, can you hear me?", doctor asked softly.

Virat was trying to open his eyes but it felt so much weight on his eyes that it was so difficult. What was happening to him?

"Cheeku kiddo", Mahi called caressing his hand to calm him down.

Virat was trying his best to respond to that which Mahi also could feel because the grip on his hand was getting tighter.

"Cheeku, I am here by your side", Mahi said again softly.

Finally that worked and Virat opened his eyes with great difficulty. His eyes were adjusting to the light yet. Everyone was patiently waiting for him to say something.

"Vi", Rohit called this time to which Virat looked at him.

"Tu.. thik.. hai?", Virat asked seeing him in bandages.

Rohit felt difference in his tone which felt more familiar than last time which gave him hope.

"Ha mai thik hu", he answered.

"How are you feeling Virat?", doctor asked who was standing on Rohit's side.

"Better", Virat replied.

He turned his head to other side sensing that he was holding a hand.

Mahi waited so patiently for him to turn and look towards him. Finally he did, he was hoping that with whole panicking thing he may be remembers something.

"Cheeku..", Mahi called being scared of his reaction.

And then finally Virat said something which Mahi was dying to hear from him.

"Mahi.. bhai!", he said with so much love and relief. Mahi felt like he could breath again and he could live again.

"Aap.. thik.. ho? Aap.. thik.. nahi.. lag.. rahe.. kya.. hua.. hai?", Virat asked worriedly seeing him tired and in tears.

Mahi felt so happy at that moment.

Doctor asked, "Virat what do u remember last?"

"Umm.. Mahi.. bhai.. coming to rescue us..", he said.

"So looks like he remembers, still for safe side we will do some tests", doctor said and left the room.

Mahi and Rohit smiled at that. Finally their Cheeku, their Vi was normal.

"Bhai.. why is ur face.. so.. dull?", Virat asked as doctor left.

Mahi just couldn't control and hugged him without hurting him and sobbed uncontrollably feeling content. Virat kept his one hand slowly on his back rubbing it to calm him down.

Rohit got moist eyes seeing Mahi bhai crying. Virat was confused about the whole thing but just felt that Mahi bhai needed him. He needed to be assured at that moment.


Hi everyone, here is the next update.

Do tell me how you like it by dropping ur comments, in-line reactions and suggestions.

See u soon, happy reading!

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