Part 8

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Rohit and Mahi saw Virat was being carried on stretcher.. his hand was bleeding and was semi conscious due to previous ball struck on his helmet. They literally got tears seeing him like that.. He lied that he was okay as he had to complete his work.. once it was done he just felt horrible which caused him to get distracted.

"What happened?", Mahi asked as he saw doctor stitching Virat's hand.

Bhuvi replied, "ball struck on his hand badly and due to that force he collapsed.. don't think he was okay after that bouncer too"

"he lied to me then", mahi said seeing him laying there unconscious after doctor gave him pain killer injection.

"let's go.. we have to finish the match.. Rishabh will be there with Virat", Rohit said and they went to play the match.

Eventually, India lost the match.. Rohit was called in presentation.. as he was the vice captain.

Commentator: "So tough day today Rohit? What went wrong today?"

"Many things actually.. but there were positives too.. we almost got through as u can see.. even having the obstacles in between", he said calmly.

"Any opinion about that MS-Virat run out", commentator.

"It can happen any time.. sometimes it's just that moment.. also not to forget Virat scored crucial fifty even though he was hurt and after that mix up.. it's difficult", Rohit said and wrapped it up.

Rohit went to the dressing room.. Virat was still unconscious as the pain killers were really strong! Mahi was sitting beside him but it was not normal.. he was just staring him.. not caressing his head like he would always do!

Rohit indicated everyone to go back to the hotel. He went and sat beside Virat.

"What are you thinking about?", Rohit asked Mahi.

"First time I am not able to differentiate between right and wrong. You know if Virat is doing this for a reason and this action of his is all due to a reason then also it doesn't seem right. It is so wrong if he has ran me out purposely. For whatever the hell reason it is, you cannot bring the game in between.. it is no joke Ro! We are playing for our country.. the fans have come to watch us.. they worship us and if something like this happens.. leave the fans for a min.. have you seen the team how disappointed they are. Team's morale has been crushed. Is this the example Virat wants to give to others? Personal emotions doesn't matter Ro.. only country and passion for the game is what matter at that moment!", Mahi remarked.

Before Rohit could comment on that.. he felt Virat waking up..

"Ahh..", he hissed holding his head to which Rohit and Mahi immediately supported him as he was about to put pressure on his other hand to stabilise himself.

Virat got aware of his surroundings after a min or so. He saw Mahi and Rohit supporting him.

"I am okay", he said and began to get down from the table he was laying on.

"Sure u are okay.. we can see that! We know how u like to be alone and all.. but now for once don't act stubborn and take our support till you reach the hotel room.. understood! You are the captain now.. start acting responsibly for once", Mahi said sternly.

Virat didn't say anything as he knew his head is not like stable and he might blurt things out in emotion and get carried away.

Rohit and Mahi took him back to the hotel and his room. As they entered the room.. they saw it was messed up. And it was so unlike Virat as he was always organised.

"Let it be.. I will manage! Thanks for helping me you can go now", Virat said as he sat on the bed.

Rohit ignored him and ordered food for him. Mahi placed his hand on the pillow. And kept ice pack at back of his head.

"Keep ur head straight", Mahi instructed him.

Virat couldn't even look at him after what he had done with him today.. he had finally drifted his bhai away.. the look in his eyes after the run out said everything.

"Here is ur dinner.. have it and then we can leave from here as u want!", Rohit said in a plain tone which was making Virat's heart cry..

Virat was trying to eat his dinner but could not due to his injured hand.. he felt his plate taken away from him..

"I will eat myself u don't need to bother for me", Virat said being stubborn as he was but he also knows how stubborn Mahi bhai and Ro can become when it comes to his health..

"Eat... we don't have whole night for you" Mahi said forwarding a bite to him and Virat had it listening to what he had said.. he was having hard time controlling his emotions.. he would anytime burst in tears..

"I m full", he said and they didn't force him.. they helped him to get settle into the bed.. gave him medication and then left the room.

"They don't trust me at all", Virat thought as they left the room..
"They care for me but they don't trust me.. they are thinking that I have become like this after I got captaincy.. and I wanted them to believe that too but I thought that once they will give a thought that I may be doing this for a reason.. but they didn't trust me enough to do that"
Thinking all this he slept off.

Next morning:

Virat got up and sat with the support of the headrest feeling much better.. only his hand was paining but his head was much stable now. He unlocked his phone and checked the messages.

"Good job with the run out.. but not good enough!! You have to think more and plan properly.. all he is getting sympathy.." that person had texted.

He opened Twitter to see what was public reaction on that..

"It was Virat's fault.. first he took the captaincy from MS and now ran him out so that he doesn't score and Virat would get the credit for that"

"Why would Virat Kohli do that?"

"Didn't give MS the strike and he himself got distracted and injured.. we lost the match because of him"

"He thinks he is bigger than the game.. selfish person.. only plays for himself! Doesn't think about the team"

He saw video of Rohit praising his knock in post match presentation.

He kept his phone aside as he was not able to read more hate comments... it just felt horrible to him.. tears made way through his eyes seeing Mahi bhai's pic which was viral after that run out.. bhai had a look of disbelief and hurt on his face.. he doesn't think that ever in his life he would forget that.. that look and his eyes!

Soon his thoughts were broken by phone ring.. he wiped his tears and composed himself..

"Sir we were successful in getting that person's details.. I have mailed you the whole history of his! And in addition to that I also got to know how he is linked with MS sir.."

"Really?? Thanks Robert! I owe you big time".. Virat said being grateful.

"Sir please don't embarrass me.. happy to help anytime as you helped me.. when I needed someone the most! This is nothing infront of that", Robert said and Virat thanked him again..

Virat opened his mail and was shocked to read the history of that person!


Hi, everyone! I am glad you all are liking the story! Here is the next part! Drop your comments, in-line reactions and suggestions on how you like this part.. see u soon, happy reading!

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