Part 22

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It was two days that Rohit was feeling a bit better and he was shifted to normal room. First day He was mostly sedated so he woke up only two times but it was enough for Mahi seeing him awake.

Seeing them unconscious was the worst feeling Mahi could ever experience. Still Virat was not conscious, they were treating him. He had a surgery which was successful but still he was not conscious which was scary.

Today Rohit was little better and awake now.

"bhai..", He called breaking Mahi's thoughts.

Mahi immediately turned his attention towards him and said, "ha Ro? Kuch chahiye kya kiddo? Kahi pain ho raha hai? Should I call doctor?"

Rohit held his hand to stop his worry and ranting.

"Bhai, I am fine. Why don't you take rest for sometime? Pata nahi aap kabse soye nahi ho.. please bhai thoda rest kar lo!", Rohit said softly.

Mahi smiled at his care and caressed his knuckles not wanting to leave him for a single second. He noticed how Rohit still sounded weak.

Mahi assured him, "I am okay Ro! Don't worry. I just hope Doctor give us update soon on Cheeku's health"

"bhai aap tension mat lo, he is our Vi! He is a fighter you know na!", Rohit said.

Mahi said being scared about that, "I hope so Ro! I hope so.."

Rohit himself was terrified when he came to know that Virat was not responding to treatments.

He was worried about Mahi too as he was looking so tired and he was also behaving bit strange. He just hoped Virat wakes up otherwise he didn't know and he can't imagine what will happen.

Rohit asked trying to change the topic, "bhai what happened with Shekhar?"

Mahi said with extreme anger, "he is where he should be Ro! He got imprisoned for lifetime"

Rohit noticed hatred in Mahi's tone and anger. He hardly heard it with that intensity but he could relate to that.

Doctor and Nurse came to check Rohit and change his dressing. Mahi went outside the room only to see Virat's doctor coming out of the room.

Mahi asked being scared and impatient, "what happened doctor?"

"it's good news and bad news both. Good news is he is awake", Doctor said.

"if he is awake then what is the bad news?", He asked a bit scared about what it was.

"you have to see it yourself. For that just first we have to shift Rohit in Virat's room which will calm him down. I will call you then you can come. We have to observe some pattern of his", Doctor said.

Mahi was confused about the whole thing. But he was a bit relieved that his Cheeku was awake.

They shifted Rohit to Virat's room. Rohit was equally puzzled about it. He looked at Virat as he looked so weak.

Doctor called Mahi in the room and told him to stand quietly in a corner as they didn't want to startle Virat.

Doctor said softly, "Virat, open your eyes see Rohit is here! You were calling him in your sleep"

Virat opened his eyes and looked sideways where Rohit was there.

Virat immediately asked being stressed and worried, "Ro.. where.. were.. you? I.. was.. searching for.. you! U.. okay? U.. were.. hurt.. na.. you.. completely.. vanished.. I.. was.. so.. scared"

Rohit was confused about that tone but he said softly keeping his hand on his, "I am here"

"What's happening?", Mahi mouthed inaudibly to doctor.

Doctor gestures him to come forward and talk something with Virat

Mahi asked in a low soft voice, "Cheeku.. kaisa hai kiddo?"

Virat looked at him blankly.. Mahi also was shocked to see an unrecognizable look on his face and in his eyes.. Virat looked at Rohit who held his hand. Virat seemed to remember something but it was all blur which caused his breathing to get heavy.

Doctor signaled Mahi to try again to which Mahi called again.. "Cheeku?"

Virat looked at him blankly and asked, "who are you?"

Mahi felt as if someone had slapped him hard, he couldn't control himself and said being scared, "Please don't punish me like this, don't joke pls.. Cheeku I am ur bhai...Mahi bhai!!"

Rohit himself felt so much vulnerability in Mahi's voice. He got moist eyes. But he turned his attention to Virat as he was panicking.

Virat was breathing heavily and panicking seeing him which was breaking Mahi's heart in pieces.

"I.. don't.. know.. you.. who.. are.. you? Rohit.. Ro.. what's.. happening.. with.. me?", VIrat mumbled desperately.

Rohit held his hand, "calm down Virat"

"Why.. are.. you.. calling.. me.. Virat? you.. call.. me.. Vi.. na? Did.. I do.. something", He asked being confused and scared about everything.

His breathing was getting out of control and calming him down was not working so at the end doctor gave him sedatives to calm him down..

"What's happening?", Mahi asked as soon as Virat was unconscious.

"It seems there is some incident which has affected him badly and it's related to you. don't worry, this is mostly temporary! As he woke up his brain is still stuck there it seems mostly like shocked state", doc explained.

Rohit asked, "how does he remember me?"

Doctor said, "last he was with you if I am not wrong and he saw u hurt.. so that's why!? That's the last memory he has"

Mahi asked, "this is not permanent, right? He will remember everything?", he was so scared his Cheeku not recognising him. It terrified him to the core.

"No it's not, it will get okay once he is normal! Now the good news and positive thing is that he is awake.. just don't pressure him into remembering", doctor said and left from there.

Mahi sat beside Virat caressing his hair as tears flowing from his eyes. Rohit felt bad seeing that but he could hardly do anything about it.


Hi, here is the next update! We are nearing to end of this book! I hope u are liking it.

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