(Chapter 28) the choice

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Maya's pov
I remember getting knock out by some droids. I wake up in a cell wearing a Foot uniform. "She's finally awake." I hear someone say I look up to see him. "Shredder,after what you did to me you still think I will join you?!" I yells at him,he slashes my back. "Quiet child those turtles betrayed you. Your mother got killed because of the Rat. I'll spare you if you join me. You k.ow the right choice." He tells me I remember what they did to me.
"Maya I didn't know I'm sorry." Leo tells me I'm beaten completely because of his brothers and him. "Leo you knew about this why did you stop them?!" I yell at him. "Because the death of you will be a great thing for my family goodbye Maya." He grabs his kanta and almosted kills me
End of flashback
"You're right they almost killed me. I'm this cause of them!" My claws come out of my fists. (Like wolverine so you don't get confused) I'm this cause of them. "They are the enemy,They shall pay for what they did to me. What they did to James!" I yell
"Yes,they ruined our family,we must finish them my daughter." The Shredder,my father tells me. I'm sorry Leo.....
Cliff hanger so do you guys like the story and I might make a 2nd book when I get to chapter 31 maybe I don't know. Guys I'm thinking one of them should die not forever just for the end of the story. Maya or Leo which one tell me please

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