(Chapter 24) the encounter

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Guys for this chapter it would help to read the part I wrote its right before chapter 10. Its named important reads. It would help.

Leo 03's pov
The guys and I were going to go through the portal. Then we hear something we hide in the shadows. "Guys it me Maya!" I hear someone say its Maya,we all walk out of the shadows. I look at her shoulder it's bleeding. "Are you okay Maya?" I ask worried. "Yeah I'm fine just hot stabed in the shoulder because I was fighting Shredder." Ouch that sounds painful Don fixes her up. Now she's fine. "So hows the turtles from this dimenison?" I ask her,she looks down. "Oh Maya I'm so sorry I forgot...." I say but she cuts in "its okay you didn't remember." I'm fine I'm glad she didn't tackle me, Then she dose. "Ahh! Let go of me Maya!" I yell at her "not right this second." I can't believe she caught me off guard smart. Then she let's go of me. "There you happy?" She asks me "yes I really am." I say nodding my head. Then I notice something. "Maya what's that?!" I ask pointing at her eye there is a huge bloody scar that goes through her eye. "Maya what happened to you I'm calling Jack." I say and picking up my T-phone and call Jack. I walk towards her "stay away from me!"
Leo's pov
I was following Maya,I see four figures run to the shadows. When they come out I see that they're mutant turtles,they know Maya. They look like us they have the same weapons and bandana colors. I'm still the leader,Raph looks still like a hothead,Donnnie I mean Don is smart and Mikey...is Mikey. They seem to knows us I heard Leo say something about me then took it back. What is she hiding? Then I fall off the ledge and fall into a pile of foam.

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