041- Renuited And The Truth

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Once I left the room I crept around the halls very quietly. I turned a corner but quickly hid again as I saw a Death Eater guarding a door. I had to find another way round to get the the common room. Luckily for me, there were a hundred other ways of getting around. Soon enough I had made it to the common room and took a deep breath before walking in. I quietly opened the door just incase a Death Eater was there. The common room was so empty, I couldn't find anyone anywhere. I went up to my dorm to see if Pansy or Millie were there. I opened the door and there they were. Blaise, Pansy, Millie and surprisingly Goyle all sitting on the beds.

"Y/n!" Pansy and Millie both shouted and jumped from their beds. They ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug ever.

"Y/n! You're here!" Blaise gasped and came over to us to join in the group hug. We all pulled out of the hug and we were tearing up a bit.

"We haven't seen you since Dumbledores death and with you getting hunted by death eaters, we thought you were dead!" Millie told me.

"No i'm okay, I still have to be very careful around Hogwarts though. I came here with Harry, Hermione and Ron. They helped me escape the Malfoy Manor as I was almost killed!" I explained.

"Are you okay? Is Draco okay? Did he go with you?" Blaise asked me.

"He's still at the Manor I think, I hope he's okay." I told him.

"You hope he's okay? That doesn't sound like you." Pansy tried to make a joke out of the serious situation to brighten everyone's moods.

"Well, a lot has happened over the past few months. An arranged marriage, finding out your soon to be family are death eaters, getting forced to being a death eater, refusing and running away, almost getting killed, escaping death many times and now i'm here." I said vastly.

"Woah hold on, arranged marriage? Soon to be family?" Pansy asked looking stunned.

"Do you remember when me and Malfoy got letters saying our parents needed to talk to us about something important and we told you it was for him to tutor me?" I asked them and they nodded. "Well, it was a lie. Our parents actually have arranged a marriage for us two and we were disgusted with the idea." I explained.

"That explains a lot, but when you said you were disgusted." Blaise said and gave me a look. I had to tell them. The truth had came out.

"When me and Malfoy were trapped in the library together we did kiss. I didn't know what my feelings were for him at the time, I had just seen Mattheo kiss someone else. Weeks later we kissed again and I realised I did like him. After Dumbledore was murdered we made it official and we are now dating." I explained. They all looked gobsmacked, even Goyle had his mouth open.

"You and Draco? Is this a dream or something? Surely this isn't true, yous hate eachother." Pansy said.

"It's giving enemies to lovers." Millie chuckled. I rolled my eyes at her words, but i guess she was right.

"I mean it was a bit unexpected. We've hated eachother for all these years and now suddenly we're dating and getting married soon. In all fairness, at first when we heard about the marriage we were disgusted and wanted nothing to do with eachother." I said.

"It is a bit weird, we have never seen you two being nice to eachother." Blaise laughed.

"We never were nice to eachother and now i'm not even sure how we are going to act with eachother since we are dating. Due to the fact that i've barely talked to him since he asked me out as I did run away, i'm not sure if we're compatible enough." I said, doubting my relationship.

"Well you are both wealthy, pure-blood Slytherins, you are both competitive, you are both spiteful. The only difference is that you are actually kind of friends with Potter." Pansy said. She was right, I guess me and Draco have more things in common than i thought.

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