030- Why Would He Lie?

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"I don't think you remember anything, I didn't kill a bird." Draco stuttered, looking in shock.

"I remember, I followed you to the Room Of Requirements and you were doing something with a cabinet. Then you saw me and told me to leave, but I wouldn't." I explained, proving that I could remember. Draco look at me with a worried look as I tried remembering more that happened. "Then you gave me something to drink." I said slowly. He looked down at the floor. "And then I passed out." I said quietly. Me and Draco sat in silence for a few seconds as I was trying to process what I had just remembered.

"You poisoned me!" I suddenly raised my voice at him and stood up.

"I didn't poison you." He muttered, still looking down.

"Well you gave me a sleeping potion!" I stated.

"It was for your own good, you shouldn't have followed me. Remember what I said when you decided to stay back on the train to see what I was doing?" He asked me. 'Curiosity killed the cat', how could I forget?

"That was different." I told him.

"No it wasn't, you always follow me. You're always so curious as to what I do and someday you're going to get hurt." He warned me.

"What do you mean I'm going to get hurt?" I asked him. What was talking about? Yes, I do follow him a lot but why would that put me in any sort of danger?

"I can't explain why, it's too dangerous." He sighed.

"This whole year you have been acting suspicious. You have been disappearing a lot and I have caught you out on it so many times but you still refuse to tell me what's going on." I said.

"I think you should go." Draco said, looking up at me and ignoring what I said.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on." I said stubbornly.

"I will tell you, I just can't right now. If I tell you, it might put you in danger and I can't let that happen. You will find out, whether I tell you or not." He told me with a worried look in his eye.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"It will all make sense once you find out." He told me. What was he talking about?

"When will I find out?" I asked him.

"Soon." He quickly responded.

"When is soon?" I asked him.

"I don't know but it shouldn't be much longer now." He responded. He was making no sense at this point,  I should have just left when he told me too.

"I should just go, you're not making any sense anymore." I told him and began walking toward the door in frustration. But before I could go any further, Draco grabbed my arm.

"Don't tell anyone about this and just letting you know, I had no choice in any of this." He tells me which made me give him a confused look.

"I won't tell anyone." I reassured him before leaving his dorm.

What an eventful day that was. At least now I know that I'm marrying a psychopath.

Draco's Pov
I can't keep lying to Y/n, she knows something is wrong and she is right. She just keeps getting in the way, whenever I do something, she's always there. I'm a horrible person for what I had to do, but I had no choice. No one can know, especially not Y/n. I could put her in a lot of danger if I told her and I can't do that to her. I don't know why but I care about Y/n, I care about her a lot. I want to know how she feels about me, we did kiss after all, but she might still like Mattheo. They broke up not long ago and technically it was my fault they broke up.

I never meant for any of this to happen, but this is all my fault. I don't know what these feelings I have for Y/n are but I've never felt like this before. I worry about her and I'm really starting to like her. I can't tell her, she won't feel the same. She probably thinks I'm crazy, but I just want her to know the truth.

Y/n's Pov
I walked back to my dorm from Draco's. I had so many thoughts going through my head and I still was confused with everything that just happened. I was scared for him, he didn't seem himself. He looked scared and worried.

I walked back to my dorm, still thinking about Draco. When I entered my dorm, Pansy and Millie's heads shot towards the door and they immediately stood up from their beds.

"What happened?" Pansy asked me.

"What did he tell you?" Millie then asked me as well. I couldn't tell them what Draco had told me, it would be betraying his trust. Even though me and Draco aren't the bestest of friends, this sounds too serious.

"He told me what he told you, he found me in the corridor and brought me back here." I told them calmly.

"And you believe him?" Pansy raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, why would he lie?" I asked.

"It's Draco Malfoy, why wouldn't he?" Millie laughed. It's true, Draco always lies and it was obvious that this story was a lie.

"I know we weren't going to ask her this, but all of this is getting too much." Pansy suddenly said and turned to Millie.

"What were you going to ask me?" I asked them.

"Are you sure? Do you think Blaise will be okay with this?" Millie asked Pansy, both of them still ignoring me.

"Can I know what's going on?" I asked them loudly, which made them both turn to look at me.

"Why don't you tell us, Y/n?" Pansy asked me and crossed her arms.

"What are you talking about?" I asked them. I was really confused. Pansy was about to open her mouth, but Millie pulled her to the side and they started talking.

Pansy's Pov
I wanted to ask Y/n then and there. So much is happening and it's all surrounding Y/n and Draco. Me, Millie and Blaise need to know the truth, we need to know what is going on between them.

Millie stupidly pulled me to the side before I could ask Y/n about anything.

"You can't ask her, not yet anyways." Millie whisper shouted to me.

"Why not?" I asked her quietly to make sure that Y/n couldn't hear us.

"Because she is just going to deny it, it's obvious. We should wait until something else happens between them and then we can question them." She said, trying to convince me.

"Fine, I won't ask her." I rolled my eyes and agreed. Millie nodded her head and turned back to Y/n. I followed Millie and we walked back to Y/n.

Y/n's Pov
Millie and Pansy were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. After a couple minutes, they stopped talking and walked back over to me.

"What was that about?" I questioned them before they could say anything.

"Nothing." Millie responded.

"What were you two going on about before? What were you going to ask me? I asked them in curiosity. They were definitely hiding something from me.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter anymore." Pansy sighed. I slightly nodded my head as I was still confused but I didn't bother to annoy them with questions.

"I'm going to get an early night." Millie suddenly stated.

"I'm going to see Blaise." Pansy then said.

"I might get an early night too." I decided. I'm not sure why Pansy was going to see Blaise, maybe they're secretly dating. Pansy definitely likes Blaise and I hope he likes her as they would make such a cute couple.

"I'll see you two later." Pansy said and waved us goodbye before leaving the dorm.

"Goodnight Y/n." Millie said before going to the bathroom to change clothes.

"Night Millie." I said and got changed for bed.

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