022- Kissing My Enemy

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About half an hour passed of being stuck in the library with Draco and I kept to myself, I didn't want to talk to him. I kept reading my book and I'm not sure what he was doing, but I didn't really care. I hated this, I would much rather be stuck with someone else.

I continued reading my book until I saw a shadow approaching me. Draco was walking over to where I was.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"What do you think?" I scowled at him.

"Not sure." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm reading." I sighed, looking back at my book.

"Can I sit?" He asked me, looking at the spot of carpet next to where I was sitting. Yes, I was sitting on the floor but it was comfortable.

"If you want." I shrugged my shoulders. I'm not sure why he wanted to sit next to me, but it would be a bit nice to have some company, even if it is my enemy.

"Can I see what book you're reading?" He asked me. I nodded him and handed him my book, he scanned the front cover. "Romeo and Juliet." He read out loud. "Doesn't that play end badly?" He asked me.

"Yes, all love ends badly." I sighed.

"I'm guessing you saw." He sighed too.

"Saw what? My boyfriend making out with your girlfriend?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. "Sorry." I apologised after I realised I was being a bit aggressive.

"Don't be, I'm mad too." He said.

"I don't understand. Me and Mattheo have been dating for over a year now, I thought he loved me." I looked down at the ground. Draco looked at me and then at the floor as I'm guessing he didn't know exactly what to say. "I'm sorry about Daphne as well, I know you liked her." I looked up and smiled at him.

"Don't be." He nervously laughed.

"I just don't know why Mattheo would kiss her, he called her annoying." I said, confused.

"I'm not sure either." He sighed. I felt bad for him, I know Daphne was annoying but Draco did like her. I'm sure there's a reason for this, Mattheo is not a cheater.

I noticed that Draco was reaching up on one of the shelves to get a book.

"I didn't know you could read." I mocked him.

"I don't read, but there's nothing else better to do." He said and grabbed a book.

"Astronomy, nice choice." I smiled at him after reading out his books title.

"I like astronomy." He smiled back.

"I'm surprised, you seem more of a dark cave kind of person." I joked. He laughed along and we both read our books.

I can't lie, he is nice company. I'm surprised he likes astronomy though, he really doesn't seem like a space type of person. It's quite nice to see a different side to Draco, a side that isn't rolling his eyes or scoffing at me. What am I actually saying? It's not even nice to see him in general. Its almost as if he's forgotten about the awkward moment in the Three Broomsticks, but I'm glad he hasn't brought it up or isn't awkward about it.

"So, you like reading?" Draco randomly asked. We had been ready for a while now without talking.

"Kind of, it's calming." I told him.

"Understandable." He said.

"Do you like reading?" I asked him.

"It's not the best but not the worst. I don't particularly like reading but I would if there's nothing else to do." He told me.

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