033- Dumbledores Death

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The next morning came and I wasn't able to get any sleep. I spent the rest of the night thinking about Draco and what he had told me. He is going to assassinate professor Dumbledore and I didn't even tell him not to. How stupid can I be? I should have tried to persuade him not to. Yet again, Draco could be killed if he doesn't complete his task. I'm worried for him, he wasn't acting himself and he seemed more vulnerable than he's ever been. Bearing in mind Draco never showed vulnerability as he wanted to look and act tough. Seeing this side to him was weird as I have never cared for him as much as I did last night. I should go to his dorm and try change his mind about killing Dumbledore, but it wouldn't change anything. He would still have to do it.

I also couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. That's the second time he has kissed me unexpectedly, but this time I felt different about it. My feelings for him have grown over the last few months and it's only taken me until now to realise. I've been in denial about my feelings for him for ages now but they've always been there. I'm not sure when I started developing feelings for him but they've grown and spiralled and now I don't know how to act around him. He's kissed me twice, he poisoned me, he told me that he's a death eater! How am I supposed to act around him after him telling me what he did last night? But now tonight I need to go to his house, I'm not sure why, but i hope it's not awkward.

I think I'm forgetting that our head master is going to get murdered later today and I can't do anything about it. Draco is probably still hiding away in his dorm, I do hope he's okay. What am I saying? He's obviously not going to be okay if he has to murder someone and doesn't have a say about it! I wish I could help but I can't.

I laid in bed and tried to get to sleep but these thoughts overtook my brain and I wasn't able to sleep. I decided not to go to any lessons today as I wanted to try and talk some sense into Draco.

The sun had risen and it was light outside, which meant it was morning, and I still had not gotten any sleep. Pansy and Millie had just started waking up which meant I would have to explain to them why I wouldn't be going to any lessons today. I could just say I feel I'll and that I'll stay in my dorm, but I need to go find Draco before it's too late.

"Y/n? Are you already awake?" I heard Pansy say. I looked over to see Pansy sitting up from her bed.

"Yeah, I've been awake for a while." I told her.

"Why? We usually have to drag you out of bed." Pansy said, laughing.

"I've felt sick all night and I have a bad migraine." I told her while putting my hand on my head to make me sound more realistic.

"You're never sick, there must be something going around." Pansy said. It's true, I'm never ill which is why I should've thought of a better excuse.

"I'm just going to stay here all day, I feel too sick to go to lessons." I told her.

"Well I hope you feel better soon, I'm going to go wake up Millie." She told me as she jumped out of bed and proceeded to whack Millie with a pillow which soon woke her up.

"What the hell!" Millie shouted and chucked the pillow back at Pansy.

"Wake up, we need to get ready for class!" Pansy proclaimed and then went into the bathroom to get dressed.
Later that day I was still in my dorm. Millie and a Pansy were in lessons and I decided to go find Draco. I needed to see him.

I had already got dressed earlier in the day, which saved me time. I quickly walked out of my dorm and made my way to Draco's. I knocked on his door once I got there but there was no answer. I knocked again but louder and there was still no answer. I started vigorously banging on his dorm door in hope that he would answer.

"What are you doing?" I heard someone say behind me which made me jump out of my skin. I turned around to see Mattheo looking at me strangely.

"Have you seen Malfoy?" I asked him.

"Nope, I haven't seen him in a while." He answered. I groaned and left the area without saying anything to Mattheo. I walked back to my dorm thinking that he might have disappeared or something bad might have happened to him. He told me that he was going to assassinate Dumbledore later tonight, so all I have to do is stay awake until Pansy and Millie fall asleep. Then I can leave my dorm and find Draco before it happens.
It soon became night which meant that Draco was going to kill Dumbledore. Millie and Pansy had returned to our dorm and we were all lying in bed. I'm pretty sure they were both asleep and I pretended to be, but I wasn't.

I jumped out of bed quietly, put on my shoes and then left the dorm slowly. I creeped into the common room to make sure I wouldn't get caught as it was after hours. I made it to the hallway without getting caught but I wasn't sure where Draco would be. I'm not sure if he told me or not. I started walking around the halls and checking classrooms but I could find anyone, until I walked by the Astronomy Tower. I heard some talking from different people, one of them sounded like Draco.

I tried to find a way on how to see what was going on without being noticed by anyone. I found an entrance to underneath the astronomy tower, so I quietly walked under and looked up from where I was to see what was happening. Dumbledore was on one side and Draco was on the other side with some death eaters.

I almost gasped as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Harry. He put his finger on his lips to signal me to not speak. I kept quiet but suddenly there was a green flash. I looked up to see Professor Snape pointing his wand and Professor Dumbledore has fallen down the tower. Snape murdered Dumbledore, Draco didn't do it. As soon as this happened, the death eater started to scatter from the scene and I followed them.

"You can't leave." Harry grabbed my arm as I was about to follow them.

"I need to." I told him and walked away quickly.

I started walking behind the death eaters but I tried to be subtle so they wouldn't notice me. Draco, however, looked behind him and saw me. He didn't make it obvious but he slowed down until the was walking behind the others. Once he realised that the others didn't know he had gone, he pulled me to the side.

"What are you doing here?" He whisper shouted.

"I needed to see you." I told him.

"You shouldn't be here, if anyone saw you-" He warned me but I interrupted him.

"No one will see me." I reassured him.

"What did you see?" He asked me.

"I only saw Snape kill Dumbledore, I can't believe it. You didn't kill him!" I said I'm relief.

"You need to go to the courtyard, your father will meet you there." He told me, completely ignoring what I was saying.

"I'll go now." I told him and I sneakily walked off. I saw Draco walk back with the death eaters while I had to go find my father.

This was it, everything was about to change

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