023- Explanations And Lies

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The next day arrived and I had woken up, still in the library. My head was lying on something when I woke up, it was on Draco's shoulder. Once I realised, I quickly moved my head and got up. I was confused but then all the memories from yesterday had floated back to my head. Mattheo had cheated on me, I was stuck in here library, I kissed Draco. Once I had stood up, Draco had woken up.

"Morning." He said, yawning.

"The library still isn't open, it must be quite early. They should open soon." I said.

"Calm down, we will get out soon." He groaned and stood up. A few minutes later, someone walked up to the library door and unlocked it. It was the librarian.

"What are you two doing in here?" She asked as she opened the door to reveal me and Draco.

"We were locked in here all night." I told her.

"You two better be going then." She said. Me and Draco nodded our heads and ran out of the library. We quickly walked back to the Slytherin common room.

"What happens now?" Draco asked me once we got back to the common room.

"I'm not sure, I need to go to my dorm though. Pansy and Millie will be wondering where I am." I said and Draco nodded his head. We both went separate ways back to our dorms. I went to mine, I opened the door and before I could even enter, I was ambushed with hugs.

"Y/n!" Pansy exclaimed. Pansy and Millie tightly hugged me and then let go after a few seconds.

"We were so worried about you!" Millie exclaimed.

"Where were you?" Pansy asked.

"I was trying to find you, Pansy, in the library but I couldn't. Then, they locked the library with me still inside. I was stuck there all night." I told them.

"All night? Were you alone or with someone else?" Millie asked me.

I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to tell the truth. If I tell the truth, they will be suspicious but if I lie, they won't suspect anything.

"I was alone." I told them.

"Well, we're glad you're back and safe." Pansy smiled.

Draco's Pov:

I walked back to my dorm, thinking about what had just happened. I kissed Y/n, and she kissed me back! Why would she kiss me if she still loved Mattheo? Why did I even kiss her?! I don't even like her! Do i? I'm so confused, I don't know what came over me. I realise now how stupid I was, I just want to to get it ever happened.

As I was walking back to my dorm, I bumped into Blaise.

"Draco, where have you been?" He asked me.

"I got locked in the library." I told him.

"Seriously? Were you by yourself?" He asked me. I couldn't tell the truth and lying was simple to me, I could lie my way out of this one.

"Yeah, I was alone." I told him.

"You were in a library for over ten hours, surrounded by books. That must have been very hard for you." Blaise chuckled.

"Yeah, it was." I chucked back. "I need to go to my dorm now." I informed him.

"I bet you do. Me and the girls are going to be in the common room soon, if you want to join us." Blaise told me which I nodded my head to. I then walked off and went back to my dorm

Y/n's Pov:

"Have you seen Mattheo anywhere?" I asked Millie and Pansy out of interest.

"Nope, why?" Pansy aksed me.

"I need to see him." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Pansy asked, she could tell if something was wrong.

"Yesterday, I caught him and Daphne kissing." I said quietly.

"What?!" Pansy basically shouted. "I'm going to kill him!" She raised her voice.

"He would never do something like that, what gotten into him?" Millie asked.

"I'm not sure, but I need to find out. How could he do this to me? To our relationship?" I said.

"He better have a good explanation for this." Pansy said.

"I'm sure he will, he's not a cheater!" I protested.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but he is if he kissed someone else while dating you." Millie said.

"I know, but I don't want to believe it." I sighed.

"We know, you really love him." Pansy smiled and rubbed my back.

"I can beat him up for you." Millie smiled at me.

"I just need an explanation for all of this, somethings not right." I sighed. Something definitely wasn't right, and it wasn't just with Mattheo. Me and Draco kissed and I'm afraid I might have feelings for him. I didn't want this to happen but I can't control my feelings towards him.
A few hours had passed and Millie and Pansy had convinced me to meet the boys in the great hall. They're not sure whether Matthew would be there, so I was just hoping that nothing would be too awkward if he was. I can't forgive him for kissing Daphne, but I kissed Draco, which is worse. I kissed the one people who I never thought I would, the one person no one would even expect.

Me, Pansy and Millie made it to the Great Hall and we saw the boys. Mattheo wasn't there, which I was glad about, but I would still have to face the other boys.

We all went to go sit down with the boys.

"Y/n, how are you?" Blaise asked me as we sat down. I sat infront of Draco, Pansy sat infront of Blaise and Millie sat next to Pansy.

"I'm doing fine, I guess." I sighed.

"We haven't seen Mattheo all day, we're not sure where he is." Blaise told us.

"Probably with my so called girlfriend." Draco scoffed.

"I dont care who he's with." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You were sobbing over him five minutes ago." Pansy faced me.

"Well, now I know how he really feels." I said.

"I know how Daphne feels aswell." Draco muttered.

"You never even liked her." Blaise faced him.

"I did!" Draco raised his voice. We all went silent and looked at Draco in confusement. "Sorry." He then said.

"Did you just say sorry?" Pansy aksed in amazement.

"Its not a big deal." Draco shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah right." Pansy chuckled.

"We need to find Mattheo." Millie blurted out.

"Why?" Pansy aksed her.

"We need to know why he did what he did, it doesn't add up." She said.

"That's true, he always called her annoying and he practically hated her." I pitched in.

"That's true." Blaise agreed with me.

"What's your input on this, Draco?" Blaise asked him.

"I don't really care." He said with no emotion.

"You never care." Pansy joked, even thought it wasn't a joke.

"Are we going to go find him then?" Millie asked, impatiently.

"Yeah, let's go." Pansy said. We all got up from out seats and exited the Great hall.

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