010- Letter

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A couple days had passed and I still haven't gotten a letter. Draco hasn't either, which is making me confused. I'm really hoping that I don't have to stay with him.

I was walking to DADA with Millie and we were talking about Snape and Theodore.

"Only a couple more days with Snape and then we don't have to put up with him for two weeks." I said, cheerfully.

"That is true, but can I tell you something?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure." I turned to face her, wondering what she was going to tell me.

"Don't tell anyone but I might be going to stay with Theo for a few days in the Christmas Holidays." She whispered.

"Really?!" I squealed loudly

"Keep your voice down, I don't want anyone knowing." She hushed me.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because they'll all make a big fuss about it and won't stop going on about it until we leave Hogwarts in seventh year." She explained.

"That is true but why did you tell me then?" I questioned her.

"Because I had to tell someone so I can talk about it to them for ages." She smiled.

"Great. Are you going to tell Pansy?" I asked her.

"I might after winter break, along with Draco, Blaise and Mattheo. If I tell them now, the boys with literally annoy Theo about it." She explained her reasoning.

"Oh, that is highly true." I nodded my head in agreement. We both walked to class and had a boring lesson with Snape. Every lesson with Snape is boring. Millie talked to Theo, as usual, and I tried not to fall asleep, as usual.

After class, I had potions with Slughorn. That class was boring as well and all I could think about was winter break and where I would be staying. I would rather not stay at Hogwarts as none of my friends are staying there.

After potions, I ran all the way to my dorm to see if I had gotten a letter yet, but I was stopped before I reached my dorm.

"Do you know where you are staying over the holidays?" Mattheo grabbed my arm to stop me from going any further.

"No, not yet." I replied.

"If you have to stay here, I'll stay here too." He smiled at me.

"That's sweet, but you should go home." I told him.

"And see my father? No thank you. I would much rather stay here." He chuckled.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about your father." I sighed.

"I try to forget about him all the time." He said as if he was joking but I know for a fact that he was not joking. 

"I can see why you would want to forget him." I said.

"Anyways, let's not talk about him. How has your day been?" He asked.

"Boring, how has your day been?" I asked.

"Boring as well, do you have any idea where Draco is? Or Blaise?" He asked.

"I've just had potions with them both but I'm not sure where they went. They will probably come here as they don't go anywhere apart from here and classes." I joked.

"That's true, very true." He laughed.

"Oh look, here they come." I said, pointing to the entrance of the common room.

"Why are you two staring at us?" Draco asked us as him and Blaise walked over to us.

"Mattheo was asking where you two were." I told him and Blaise.

"Well, we're here now." Blaise said, as if we didn't already know.

"Have your parents sent you a letter yet, Draco?" Mattheo asked.

"Nope, not yet. I was actually going to my dorm to see if a letter had came yet." Draco said.

"Same with me." I joined in the conversation.

"Why don't you two go to your dorms and see if you have letters yet and then you two can come back here after." Blaise suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that." I said and Draco nodded his head in agreement. We both went our separate ways to our dorms.

I ran to my dorm but when I went in, there was no letter. I groaned and threw my hands in the air. I was about to leave my dorm until an owl flew into my window, it was carting a letter. I took the letter from the owls beak and it flew back out of the window. The letter was for me and I took a deep breath before I opened it.

Dear Y/n,

We are sorry to send this letter out to you later than usual but we have both been quite busy. You are possibly wondering where you will be staying over the holidays and we have made a very important decision. You will be staying at the Malfoy Manor for one week.

We will meet you at the Manor when you first get there as we need to talk to you and Draco about something very serious. We are sorry but this is for the best, for you and Draco.

Love, your mother and father.

I do not know what I was expecting but it was not that. I have no idea what my parents mean when they say that 'its for the best', what's for the best? Why for me and Draco? I need to go back to the common room to ask Draco if he got the same letter from his parents. I made my way to the common room, with the letter in my hand.

"Has Malfoy came back yet?" I asked Mattheo and Blaise as I walked over to them.

"Not yet, did you get a letter yet?" Blaise asked me.

"Sadly, yes." I sighed, holding up the letter in my hand. Blaise took the letter from my hand and read it, Matthoe read it over Blaise's shoulder.

"What do your parents mean by 'its for the best'?" Blaise asked and handed me back the letter.

"I have no clue, I'm so frustrated that I have to stay there." I groaned. Before anyone could say anything else, Draco came storming over to us.

"I can't believe this!" He raised his voice.

"You got a letter too, I'm guessing?" I sighed.

"Yeah, I did and I'm so mad. Why do they need to talk to us both and why is it important?" He rhetorically asked.

"I don't know but I really don't want to stay with you for a week, I'm dreading it!" I groaned.

"Well, I don't want you in my house." He tried to insult me with a petty insult.

"I most definitely do not want to go to your house either, I'm just confused on what is so important." I sighed.

"Me too." He sighed as well. A minute of silence passed, until Pansy and Millie came walking into the common room.

"I sense tension." Pansy said as they both walked over to us.

"There's alot of tension." Mattheo said.

"Is that a letter from your parents?" Millie asked, looking down at the piece of paper I was holding.

"Yep, read it." I replied and handed her the letter. She started reading and Pansy read from the letter as well.

"I feel bad for you." Pansy said to me.

"I feel bad for myself." I said.

"Does nobody feel bad for me?" Draco scoffed.

"Don't worry, I feel bad for you." Blaise patted Draco's shoulder but then turned to us and mouthed 'no I don't'.

"My parents never go to your house in the winter holidays." I said to Draco.

"They must need to tell us something really important." Draco emphasised the word 'really'.

"I'm just going to enjoy my time here while it lasts, let's hope the rest of this week goes by fast." I sighed and walked off back to my dorm without notifying anyone.

I am not spending a week with him.

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