003- Potter

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The next morning I woke up to find Millie was missing from her bed and Pansy had rolled out of her bed. I sat up from my bed to examine how she was even able to stay sleeping on the floor.

"Enjoying the floor?" I shouted to Pansy which made her flinch and immediately wake up.

"How long have you been awake for?" Pansy yawned.

"I just woke up and I saw you sleeping on the floor. Is there something wrong with the bed?" I giggled.

"I must have rolled out of bed in the middle of the night. I'm not sure how I stayed asleep though." Pansy scratched her head.

"I could scream and you would still be sleeping." I joked.

"Has Millie left yet?" Pansy asked, looking around the room to see if Millie was still sleeping or not.

"Yeah, I don't know where she's gone. Lessons don't start for half an hour." I shrugged my  shoulders.

"She told me last night that she wanted to get to lessons early to see if Nott was in her class. I think she's going to try and talk to him." Pansy exlained. Millie tries to get all the boys and she has had many boyfriends. She has even dated Fred Weasley and he isn't even in our year. She's not a player though, she just falls in love really easily.

"I think she needs to calm down with boys." I suggested.

"I just hope Theodore is willing to talk to her." Pansy sighed. I nodded my head in agreement and got up from my bed. "What lesson do you have first?" Pansy asked.

"Potions with the new teacher, Professor Slughorn." I answered her.

"Me too! Let's walk to potions together." Pansy recommended.

"Yeah sure." I agreed.

We both got ready and put our uniforms on. I styled my hair whole Pansy sorted out her tie.

"Are you ready to go?" Pansy asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I said and we left our dorm. We walked into the Slytherin common room and saw Blaise and Draco beginning to walk to their class.

"Morning girls, did you both sleep well?" Blaise greeted us as he walked over to us and dragged Draco with him.

"Pansy slept amazingly on the floor." I grinned at Pansy and she elbowed me in the arm.

"The floor?" Blaise raised his eyebrows.

"Don't ask. Anyways, what lesson do you both have?" Pansy asked Blaise and Draco.

"We both have potions with Professor Slughorn." Draco responded.

"We do too, at least we're all in the same class." Pansy beamed.

"We're always in the same class." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Have you seen Mattheo anywhere?" I directed my question towards Blaise and Draco.

"He left to go to lessons about ten minutes ago, he's in a different class than us in potions." Blaise answered. I nodded in response.

"We should head off to potions." Draco suggested, we all agreed and started walking.

We made it to our potions class and stood with the crowd of people who were standing behind Professor Slughorn. He was explaining what we were going to be doing that lesson but a few minutes later, the door opened. Wow, some people were already late and it was the first lesson of sixth year.

It was Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. They always get into trouble or are late for some random reason which no one ever knows. Everyone acts as if Harry is royalty and that everyone feels so privileged to even talk to Harry. I just don't get it, he's not even that special.

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