005- I always win

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A few weeks passed and nothing much happened. Millie and Theodore have became quite close and I have the feeling they he likes her but won't admit it. I haven't spoken to Harry since I last did, two weeks ago, and Draco hasn't said anything or done anything weird. School has been pretty boring as usual and nothing exciting has happened.

I was lying on my bed reading a book as I was very bored and had nothing else to do. I don't usually read but as I was so bored, I didn't know what else to do. 

"Y/n!" Someone called as they swung the dorms door open.

"Woah!" I gasped as I fell off my bed in shock.

"Why are you on the floor?" Pansy asked as her and Millie walked in.

"You gave me a fright!" I complained at her.

"Sorry about that but are you coming?" Pansy asked.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked as I was very confused.

"Are you coming to quidditch practice?" Millie butted in to make it more obvious what Pansy was talking about.

"We always go to watch them practice." I groaned. We have watched quidditch practice for years and Slytherin literally never wins. It's only because Harry Potter is on their team, it's as if it's rigged.

"Well, Blaise always wants us to go." Pansy said.

"Do you fancy Blaise?" I assumed.

"What? No! Why would I fancy him? I would rather like anyone else!" Pansy quickly defended herself. 

"Would you rather like Malfoy?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I would rather like anyone else, not including Draco." She corrected herself.

"Not to be that person but I think we should hurry up and go." Millie interrupted.

"Are you coming or not, Y/n." Pansy sighed and faced me.

"Fine, I'll go. Only because I'm bored and have nothing else to do." I told them.

"Let's go then!" Millie rolled her eyes and we all quickly left our dorm.

We quickly walked all the way to the Quidditch field and we took a seat on the small hill. The Slytherin team were already in their informs and were standing with their brooms. Marcus Flint was the captain but he was soon replaced by Montague.  Marcus Flint was a pretty good captain for the Slytherin team but I haven't seen much of Montague being the captain so I'm not sure how good he is.

This is the first Quidditch practice I've been to this year so it'll be good to see Montague in action. Draco, Blaise and Mattheo were all on the team.

"Nice to see you ladies have came to watch us." Blaise walked over to us with his broom in his hand.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." I sarcastically said.

"You're the one who complained about coming here." Millie said and I elbowed her in the arm. They boys all looked at eachother and then looked back at us.

"Y/n will always be here to watch us." Blaise smirked at us which made me roll my eyes. I really didn't wanna be there but I had nothing enter to do. Quidditch doesn't entertain me, especially when Gryffindor wins.

"Yeah, I love being here." I sarcastically smiled.

"As you should." Blaise said before Montague called them back to the others and they ran back to the middle of the field.

"Is there even any point in them practicing, they never win." I negatively said.

"They might win!" Pansy said, hopefully.

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