Chapter 123: Portal to Dylan's Palace

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I couldn't eat properly because the taste and scent were intense for me even if it was made normally. I faint every now and then whenever I try to move around, especially in the morning. I felt nauseated all the time.

My spouses took great care of me despite participating in the process of making books. I couldn't even help Tora make some clothes for Nita because of my condition.

"Tora... I feel so useless. I couldn't do anything," I complained.

"Nonsense, Ari! Just rest well. Bringing forth a healthy child is already a huge effort, especially in your case," Tora said.

"Ari, are you feeling well? We're almost done with the books. We can pack up our things and go back to Dylan's place," my brother said as he entered my room.

"I still feel the same, Brother. I'm getting stressed out because of not being able to do anything," I replied.

"Just bear with it until you regain your strength. Tora and I will take care of you while your males are busy doing their tasks. By the way, why didn't you choose to stay in either the Wolf or the Siren Tribe?" he asked.

"I had to choose that location because two of them are alphas of different tribes and I don't want them to be irresponsible to their own tribes. Lowell said he'll move their tribe with us. But I know for sure they can't mix up with the Sirens. Lowell's authority will be pushed away if it happens because Dylan is stronger. I don't want that. Also, the Forest Wolf Tribe is quite far from the ocean, it would be inconvenient for Dylan to go back and forth to his palace," I explained.

"I see... Don't worry. We'll work on it as soon as we return to Dylan's palace," my brother said.

"Thank you, Brother!" I exclaimed.

After finalizing the books and preparing for our departure. Dylan offered to open a portal back to his palace.

"Can I open the portal using the ring my mother gave me? You'll be struck by lightning again if you do it again," I asked.

"No! What if something happened to you while opening a portal?" Dylan nagged.

In the heat of the moment, I removed my necklace and hastily tried to open a portal to Gurion's location using the ring.

"No!" Dylan screamed, trembling in fright.

All of them gasped in surprise and fright.

I successfully opened the portal without receiving any penalty. I figured it would be like this because my power has the same attribute as the barrier, making me conclude it was created by my parents since the two of them can control lightning.

"Honey! Why are you so reckless?!" Dillon roared in nervousness.

"Are you alright?!" Macan dashed to check on my condition.

"Yep! I knew it. The barrier won't retaliate on my power because I can also control lightning," I grinned.

"God! Babe! You scared all of us! You should have explained to us first before doing something potentially dangerous," he scolded.

"Sorry... It's because you won't allow me even if I explain it, since I wasn't sure of it either. It's better to show it straight in front of everyone. First of all, Mother said I could use it to open a portal everywhere in the mortal land where my people are located. Gurion is one of us so it's easier to open a portal since he lives in the palace," I explained.

"It's still risky, Honey. You shouldn't do something dangerous like that," Dillon nagged.

"Also, I couldn't remember how the barrier started, but I know it was a barrier made by my parents to stop the previous war against my father. It won't retaliate against the power of the light. I haven't seen it yet so I wasn't sure, but I remembered that Dylan was struck by lightning when he opened the portal beyond the barrier. It's one of the proofs that it bears the attribute of light. I don't want Dylan to be hurt again, his element will only worsen the impact of the lightning in his body," I added.

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