Chapter 76: Bridge of Trial

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Every step on the bridge felt surreal and weird. It was like you were walking past a stream of rushing water in a river, even though there was no water on it. It was cold and heavy. The more I stepped forward, the heavier it felt.

I tried to run, but it felt like the more I ran faster, the slower I moved forward. I was shocked upon realizing that it won't be easy to pass through the bridge. I was so stupid to not remember that the Bridge of Trial He was talking about is the same Bridge of Trial that a god or a goddess goes through before their awakening.

Is this a scam? Was I tricked by the Supreme Being?

I panicked so I tried to run in irritation. However, the more irritated I was, the greater the invincible force tried to stop me from moving further.

I suddenly felt like there were ghostly shadows grabbing my feet, restraining my movement even more.

I was panicking. My instinct was telling me to move forward, but how can I even move forward?

I cried and trembled in fear as my anxiety took its toll on me. I suddenly heard hallucinatory voices of Sephtis. I knew it was not real because he won't be able to enter this place without the permission of the Supreme Being.

"Arie... What were you trying so hard for? Why don't you just surrender to me? Then give your power to your sister? We can live together forever in the abyss." The voice similar to Sephtis whispered with a spine-chilling tone.

"No! Even if I stay here, I won't ever give you what you wanted!" I screamed while trembling in fright despite knowing it was just an illusion.

"Ari... Are you really going to leave us behind? I thought we were friends?" A voice similar to Tora whispered to my ears with a betrayed tone.

I tried to look around me and I couldn't see anything but the path that I needed to pass through. The bridge was surrounded by clouds, making it hard to determine what was underneath it.

"Tora? Where are you?" I asked despite not seeing her.

I wasn't even sure what happened to the three of them after I fainted while releasing the power within me, hoping to help them.

"Ari... It was your fault! We wouldn't have been hurt if you had mentioned to us about the poison!" A furious voice similar to Nyala screamed suddenly out of nowhere.

My head was hurting due to confusion. It hurts my heart knowing that they are telling the truth. I was too selfish. I couldn't even save them with the power I have. I felt so guilty for my shortcomings.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be carried away by my anxiety. I tried... I really tried... Please believe me. I didn't want you all to suffer that way..." I cried while roaring in agony and guilt as I tried to crawl forward.

A ghostly figure suddenly appeared before me, but he wasn't speaking and jumped from the bridge.

"Macan! NO!!!!!" I screamed in horror as I tried to stand up to stop him from jumping.

However, the grip of the shadow hands crawled up to my knees, causing me to fall back down, hitting my face on the ground.

I moaned in pain and cried in guilt.

"Ari... My little sister" Whispered a voice similar to my brother Orson.

"Ari... Do you really hate us?" Asked the voice similar to Lowell.

"Ari... Do you hate me too?" Mumbled the voice similar to Dillon.

"No! I don't! I just—" I answered.

I suddenly remembered how they reacted the day I rejected them after my condition worsened again.

My reactions are consequences of my condition—I see every man's eye with lust in their eyes once they look at me straight in the eyes.

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