Ch.57 - Jubilation

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Ch.57 - Jubilation

The path to the head demon was clear and everyone was making sure of it. Bakugou smirked to himself and drew out his blade. Well, if they were going to give him a chance to deliver the final blow, he wouldn't pass up on it!

Kurokori was slicing away at demons that tried to stop his approach and Deku and the Half-and-Half were still distracting the head demon. He had his opening and he was going to take it! The other three slayers were all still fighting around him and making sure nothing stood in his way. The wind was in his favor and he was starting to fly with it now.

His body moved as he worked through the stance for this technique. It would be fast and painless for the demon. All he had to do was keep his opening and he'd behead the bastard in three seconds or less.

Sensing an approaching force of power, the demon turned and glared at him. They moved their hand back, ready to strike Bakugou and send him flying away from him. But as the demon moved their ankle was sliced open.

You drew your blade back and watched as Bakugou got near your enemy. You had made sure they wouldn't be able to move or attack now and all Bakugou had to do was swing his Nichirin blade!!

Everyone had set this up for him! They had given him the chance to end this! They had put their trust in him to do what was needed! So there was no way he was going to let anyone down right now.

Bakugou pulled the blade back and inhaled sharply. His breathing picked up and his body moved into the stance it was supposed to be in. With one final inhale, his muscles reacted to what his brain was telling them to do. The blade sliced through the air with ease and then sliced through something much harder with just as much ease.

Bakugou landed on his feet and heaved in and out. He looked around and watched as something fell a few meters away from him. His eyes looked towards it and saw that the demon who had just been causing him and all his allies so much trouble was done. Their head was detached from their body and their head and torso were now starting to disintegrate.

"Hurry and collect blood samples!" Your voice could be heard shouting from behind him.

You hurriedly passed out vials and needles and quickly showed those around you how to do so. Your hands moved from spilled pool of demon blood to spilled pool of demon blood. Kirishima, Uraraka, and Kaminari were copying your actions. Midoriya and Todoorki had tried to as well, but you instead handed them ropes and cuffs and motioned to the remaining demons around you all.

"They can be brought back too... so please try and detain them so I can help make them into human beings again?" You asked the pair and they nodded.

Eri poked her head into your field of vision and you allowed her to join you in capping and making sure all your vials were safe and would not matter. The little girl was always cautious, so it helped you a great deal.

You tried to contain your joy but it was hard to do so. Not when you were getting plenty of samples and your hope was at its maximum setting. This was it! The demon was defeated and you had lots of blood to make your cure... the end of this was finally here!

Everyone had pitched in to help you and now- you just needed to deliver your cure.

You wanted to make sure one came into being because of all the aid you had gotten from everyone here. Nearly everyone had and still was helping you out with this. Everyone was working towards this cure and ready to have it finally and to start turning demons back into humans like they originally were.

Everyone aside from one person.

They were before you all slightly and glaring at the creature that was starting to disappear before them. Bakugou didn't move, only watching the demon's head. It looked at him and smiled. He snarled at it and walked toward it before kneeling and glaring at it. The demon chuckled and looked at him with a smug expression, despite how its body was slowly starting to get erased from this place of existence.

"The hell are you so damn smiley about?" Bakugou asked the demon. "You fucking lost."

The demon chuckled. "Oh. I've realized that. But I could really care less about my demise. All I wanted was to cause ripples in this world and I have done so. Look at you for example."

Bakugou reeled back and growled yet again. He picked up the demon by the head this time and the demon's smile grew even wider. Anymore and Bakugou was sure he'd be seeing this demon's sharp teeth. The demon snickered to itself and Bakugou wondered exactly what was on its mind that was making its last moment filled with so much humor.

"I may be dead and gone in another few minutes, but what about you?" The demon asked him. "Have you decided to also give up your little stint of demonism? Or are you feeling something deep inside of yourself?"

Bakugou's eyes widened and he dropped the demon's head. It landed and more of it broke off into ash. By now, only its mouth and nose remained. The creature sighed and looked to finally be accepting its fate, and yet, it wasn't done getting on Bakugou's nerves.

"You know... my blood is special." The demon whispered. "I can change humans into demons from just a few drops of my blood... so theoretically speaking, a demon created by me might also have that same ability. If one were to use a decent amount of their blood that would contain my own blood- then my goal of turning worthy humans into demons would not be over. So I suppose my only regret in this world is that I will be leaving it without a successor. Shameful, right?"

Bakugou didn't say anything and despite not having the eyes to see him anymore, the demon knew he was still there and listening intently now. So, they continued speaking since they wanted to make sure their words left a lasting impact on someone in their final moments. And from what it saw, this demon would bet the best one to have that impact collide with.

"Think about it- rather than turn back into a meager human- you could turn all you care about into demons like you. No fear of death or illness or age. Just immortality. Isn't that what you want? To live forever and always be in your prime? Well... you have the ability to do so. I guess now- its all up to you-"

Their voice died off as the last of the embers floated away. Bakugou looked up at the sky and watched as those dying embers disappeared. He inhaled and lowered his head as his eyes closed. The sounds of his comrades behind him made him turn to glance at them.

They all were crying out about something or another with happy faces and cheerful calls. Vials of blood harvested from the demons they had slayed were gathered and any remaining demons were knocked out and were to be brought back to the capital.

Why? Well, he knew Kurokori wanted to save them. She was going to find her cure and she was going to treat those demons and free them from their curse. Or, what she saw as a curse. But as he stood here right now, already healed of all his injuries and feeling nothing but strength and power exude from him, Bakugou wondered if this was a curse.

And if what that bastard said was true then he would be able to-

His carmine hues glanced toward you and Bakugou felt one of his sharp nails prick one of his other fingers Some droplets of blood leaked out onto his hand and hit the ground. He shook his head and made his body heal up the wounds right away.

What was he thinking?! He couldn't force that onto you or anyone! This was something he knew was life-changing, look at him, but he also knew where his feelings about it all lay. That he no longer saw the point in staying as a human or returning to being one. He instead wanted to stay as a demon and continue this type of life he had known. The only life he could remember.

And he wanted to make sure all he cared about wouldn't be lost either. So, for now, he'd let you all do your thing and make your cure and start to administer it. But once his time came, he would tell you his feelings on this matter. And he would tell you that he wanted you to be the same as him.

To live as a demon, like him.

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