Ch.7 - Hostility

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Ch.7 - Hostility

(AN- Dumb me making forgetting Kamui Woods is a character and made a tree demon with similar powers. So, this demon isn't Kamui Woods, your author-san is just a forgetful idiot.)

The pink-haired demon smiled, a single line of drool coming down her lips and chin. The blade she held approached the base of your hand and gently pressed into the skin. The unmistakable smell of blood filled the air.

"This one will be sweet." The pink-haired demon sighed dreamily. "I'm actually a bit jealous that I won't get the first bite."

The tree demon nodded, turning his head to where he had tied Bakugou to the tree. While both the tree and flower demon were holding back mouthfuls of drool, a different expression was on Bakugou's face.

He inhaled as calmly as he could, but his stomach was doing flips. He felt like he was going to vomit from the mere smell of blood. It wasn't usually like this, or at least when he tore apart other demons. Yet, human blood was making him nauseous.

"What a tortured expression." The tree demon commented. "Could it be that there is a demon who gags at the sight of blood? How peculiar."

Bakugou growled, eyes turning serpent-like. He didn't like this tree hugger making assumptions about him. He didn't like that the demon was trying to feed him your hand either, but that was more of him not seeing you as a meal than him feeling ill from the smell of human blood.

"Hurry it up." The tree demon turned his face back to look at the flower demon.

The tree demon was greeted with the images of the flower demon stepping back, holding her throat. She tried to inhale, but it seemed like the air was just not coming out of her mouth. Lines of dark purple circulated under her skin and her vision blurred.

The flower demon fell to the ground with a thud, her body twitching and turning at odd angles. The dark purple lines soon became present under every inch of her skin and foam-like drool seeped out of her mouth. She stopped moving with a final twitch, body in an angle that seemed to be in the uncanny valley.

You exhaled gently, moving to stand up. You rose and looked at the tree demon, your eyes narrowing towards him. The tree demon stepped away for a moment, hesitant and confused over what had just happened.

He had only turned his head away for a moment! He hadn't even detected the slayer's movements despite having his roots in this entire area. The tree demon's eyes gazed down at the flower demon and he bared his fangs towards the slayer.

"How dare you!" He shouted, breaking his cool demeanor for the first time.

"It's odd to see a pair of demons working together." You spoke, dusting off your clothing. "Though, I guess you're not a pair any longer."

The tree demon's eyes glowed red and he took off towards you. His hands extended and several roots burst up from the ground. You merely turned to face him directly, inhaling a deep breath, and closed your eyes. You reached towards your left side and drew out the pink blade.

"Total Concentration Flower Breathing. Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum." You exhaled as your eyes widened.

You twirled the pink blade around, creating several slashes. The roots met your blade and were sliced cleanly into pieces. The tree demon had attempted to burst his way through your strikes, having waited for an opening. But there were none... or at least none that he could see.

Your slashes stopped, creating a gust of wind. It blew through the tree demon's hair and he once more took a hesitant step back. What kind of slayer were you? The others he had faced were never this strong. They had always had openings that he and the flower demon had been able to exploit. But you, you carried yourself in a way that sent shivers down his spine.

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