Ch.46 - Logical

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Ch.46 - Logical

"Civilization!!" You shouted happily and jumped up.

"You're speaking like its been years since you've been at a village." Todoroki commented to you and you chuckled.

"After the mission we were just on, it feels like it!" You smiled and looked at the green-haired boy next to you. "You look tired, Deku."

Midoriya hummed and rubbed at his eyes. "I didn't sleep very well last night."

"Huh? Why?" You were worried right away.

Midoriya put his hands up and gave you an awkward chuckle. "I woke up in the middle of the night and went out to train..."

"Oh Deku." You smiled fondly. "You work way too hard."

"So that's where you went," Todoroki responded. "I heard you get up but wasn't sure why you disappeared. I assumed it was fine though since Bakugou didn't stop you or seem concerned."

"Speaking of-" Midoriya looked at you. "How is Kacchan today?"

You sighed and adjusted the box on your back. He had been sleeping a lot again. Not for days straight, but long enough that you only saw him when the sun was setting and he went back to sleep before it started to rise. Eight hours... seemed so short when all you wanted to do was spend time with him.

"Sleeping." You confirmed from the fact that your jumping had not caused you to get yelled out or the box to get hit. "I'm glad he is. He needs to rest up to make sure that he stays as he is. Eri-chan too I assume?"

Midoriya nodded. "Yup. She is... less worrisome then Kacchan though."

You laughed and nodded at him. It was true- you did have the more difficult of the two demons.

"I'll have to go this way."

Both you and Midoriya turned to look at Todoroki. He was pointing to the left and you and Midoriya had started to turn right. Todoroki looked irritated about something and you wondered if he did want to go home. You all had made it back to the Slayer Corps headquarters after all. So, while you and Midoriya were going to return to Aizawa- Todoroki was going back to his father.

"Ah. Of course, Todoroki-kun." Midoriya nodded at him and then paused for a moment. "But... don't feel like you can't come over to Aizawa-sensei's. We'd love to see you there and I'm sure Kurokori would love a sparing partner beyond me and Kacchan."

"Or... just to come over to train or work together." You added on. "Don't be a stranger."

Todoroki blinked and then nodded his head. A soft smile crossed his lips and he turned to walk back to his own home. You and Deku waved to him until he was far enough and then started on your way back to your temporary home.

The walk was filled with idle chatter between you and Midoriya and then you both were knocking on the door of the hashira. It took a moment, but he answered and looked relieved to see the pair of you with the boxes still on your back and in one piece.

"I take it things went according to plan?" Aizawa asked and ushered you both inside.

"For the most part." You admitted to him and Aizawa raised a brow.

You waved him off and it seem he had enough of an idea to not ask you about what you meant.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow for a mission of my own, but you all are welcome to stay here. So long as you treat it like your own home and don't trash the place." He warned you and then looked directly at you. "Especially one person in particular who has a habit of destroying things."

Slayed Hearts (Demon Slayer AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now