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Move-in day was more emotional than I thought it would be.

A week later, a moving van was parked in front of my childhood home, loaded with brown boxes.

Papá carries the last few boxes; he and mamma were both dressed in their gym gear and had assisted with all of the loadings and prepping.

And now, as I watched the last of my belongings pile into a van, my stomach churned knowing it was time to say goodbye.

The driver speeds away to Silver's house—our house, with all of my belongings. All that remained were my duffel bag, my cat, and my final hugs and kisses to the two people who birthed and raised me for the past twenty years.

"Oh, sweet Serenity." Mamma sniffles softly, her hands dusting off the sides of her tights before smiling sadly and wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

I hug her back, closing my eyes tightly as I embrace my mother.

It wasn't as if I wouldn't be visiting every day—possibly even more than once a day, but it wouldn't be the same.

This was my childhood home. For my entire life, I've lived in this mansion and have always been in the same loving comfort of my parents, and now I wouldn't be.

And it wasn't the fact I was sad to be leaving and wanting to stay—it was the sadness of letting go of this part of me.

To drop this journey of my life only for a new piece to start.

"Home won't be the same without you." She murmurs and kisses the top of my head a few times while still holding me close.

I feel my heart squeeze for my mamma. Even though my parents weren't around as often, it was still home knowing that by the following day their faces would appear around a corridor.

"I know, Mamma. I'll promise to visit every day, and movie nights won't change either." I hold her tighter to me, assuring her with a soft pat on her back.

"They better not."

The sound of Papá's voice brings my eyes to reopen. Darting straight to his figure in front of our hugging embrace, he smiles a little and tosses his arms around us.

Just like in my childhood with the three of us, we hug it out.

"I'll miss you my little flower, all grown up..." He sighs, kissing the top of my head and resting his chin on the top.

"You have to visit every day. Otherwise, I'll come and take you back home myself." Mamma claims as she pulls back and faces me sternly.

"Okay, mamma..." I give her a soft smile, looking up at Papá as well. "I love you both."

Mamma's eyes glisten and she leans back into Papá for support as tears fall. "I love you more my girl." She holds my hand as her other one wipes tears from her eyes harshly.

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