Chapter Ten

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A juicy, unhealthy burger was pressed between my fingertips while I took my very first bite of deliciousness.

I drop the burger and slowly chew with my hand over my mouth.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" I asked the boy across from me while removing my hand from my mouth and rinsing it with the bottle of water.

He peered at me from his hefty position—legs spread, body dipped down in the seat and still with his head raised.

"Myself." That's all he said as he leant forwards on his elbows and casually stole a fry from my plate. I stared at him blankly before returning my gaze to my now fry-less fries.

"I told you to order some, yet you steal from me." I shake my head, claiming my food immediately by hugging it to myself.

"I like teasing you," He smirks, falling back against his seat again. That little smirk expands when my eyes pierce holes in his head.

"Well, I don't like it."

Ignoring him, I continued to ask him questions—that is, before he went to ask me.

"Why are you not a part of your family's business?" He studies me with his gaze, the stare itching my skin.

"How do you know I'm not involved?" I shot back at him, raising my brows.

He rolls his eyes and looks out the window for a second, "You're as innocent as a flower, Fiore," he explains, turning his head back to me, now raising one of his brows as if to ask, 'Am I wrong?'

"I'm not innocent," I argue, stealing a glance at his lips that tilt slightly again.

"Sure, Serenity." His accent rolls my name with a sensuality that reaches between my thighs instantly.

Focus on your burger Serene, it's sexier.

"I'm not involved because I don't want to be. That world is dangerous and I have no intention of living in it."

My statement was made clear and it was nothing but the truth.

This is what I tell everyone who asks me this same question, the ones who deserved an answer. I've told my family the very same thing, and I'm going to tell Silver the same thing too. It wasn't as profound as everyone thought; I just wanted nothing to do with that world.

"You're surrounded by it, and you just ignore it?" He curiously tits his head, he found actual interest in this.

"Yes." I admit confidently, aiming to switch this conversation up by re-melting into my burger.

Taking a large bite, I avoid any eye contact with Silver and merely focus on my food instead.

"How come you go to college but rarely show up to class?" I place a few fries in my mouth after my question, gazing into his icy glare.

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