Chapter Fifteen

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That lying son of a b—

"Maybe it's not what it looks like, Serene." Hayden attempts to comfort me, making no fucking progress.

"It's exactly what it looks like, Hayden." I stand briskly from my seat, feeling very few eyes glancing over at me as I attempt to leave this claustrophobic cafe.

Hearing Hayden's heavy, hurried footsteps behind me, I quicken my pace, never taking my gaze away from Silver and Professor Levine.

Silver stood just outside the campus cafe, his hands dug into his black hoodie and his head covered by his hood. I watch fewer words pass his lips, never smiling or looking interested—making me just a little happy.

Although what really pissed me off was this apparent professor. Those manicured hands were just a second away from moderately grazing his arm by how she kept touching her neck or tucking her hair behind her ear flirtatiously.

That green, envious monster inside of me was clawing at my heart, my mind and soul—watching her interaction with him was fuelling the inner Roman Agnello in me.

As the cafe door swings open, her forced giggles strangle my eardrums. Her slightly hitched, hoarse voice replaced that after.

"Well, I'm sure you're a busy man with all those cooperations you're running. But I was just so surprised when you decided to join my cla—

"Serenity!" Hayden calls my name hurriedly, and I, along with everyone else outside of the cafe, freeze.

Good going, Hayden.

Snapping my attention to the two in front of me, Leah's surprised gaze didn't falter as I shot them both a blank look. My green monster rises when I see her step an inch closer to him, all the more making me look directly into Silver's bluest eyes, seeing the curiosity layered beneath that hard exterior.

"Silver." I plaster a fake smile, fake recognition replacing my blank stare and I start walking over to the two making sure to stand exactly between them. I face Silver directly, completely ignoring the presence of the woman behind me.

"I thought you left? Didn't you say you had a meeting to attend?" I asked calmly, folding my hands behind my back.

Right before our class had finished, Silver had mentioned leaving for the rest of the day, having said he needed to attend business.

It was now two in the afternoon—five hours have passed.

You're acting like a psychotic girlfriend.

And still, the green monster takes over.

Obnoxiously, he shrugs and licks his lips never breaking eye contact with me, "I did."

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