Chapter 23

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The brunette was willing to avoid any kind of confrontation, but Beyoncé wanted answers and she wasn't going to give up until she got them.

"- Kelendria, answer me. I'm talking to you!" She demanded.

Kelly was losing her patience and just as she was about to answer, the elevator door opened on the floor that wasn't theirs, there was one more floor to go, but she got out anyway so she wouldn't have to argue with the blonde.

"-Hey, Kelendria! Where are you going?" She said going after the brunette.

Kelly kept walking towards the door leading to the stairs and didn't even look back, but Beyoncé didn't give up!

"- Kelly, where are you going? I'm talking to you!" She said going after Kelendria. "- Stop it, we need to talk and I don't want to draw attention to anyone local."

Kelly reached her limit now. She stopped, took a deep breath and turned to Beyoncé. Now she will hear what she wants and what she doesn't want.
She pulled Beyoncé by the hand, opened the door where the stairs were and closed it immediately afterwards to speak what she had to say without them being seen fighting with each other.

"- Enough... That's enough, Beyoncé! I don't owe you the satisfaction of my personal life. Or have you forgotten that our relationship is strictly professional?!
You said what you had to say and I respected your wishes. Now please, leave me alone, damn it!
But since you're so keen to know... No, I'm not dating Ciara!" She turned her back to leave, but remembered she had more to talk about. "Ah, but she asked me to accept to be her girlfriend, but I didn't accept. However that doesn't mean that I can't be her friend or that later things will change between the two of us. I don't know... The future knows best!
Now excuse me and let me go to my room to rest. Take advantage and do the same or go call the man you have chosen as your life partner and ask him what he has done with his life and forget about me, because I don't owe you any of my life. To say I don't owe you anything, I just need to fulfill my contract, that's all.
Now excuse me!"

Kelendria walked out and left the blonde standing in the same place like a statue, not expressing any kind of reaction.
She went up the stairs and straight to her room and as soon as she entered, Lala was awake waiting for her.

"-Hey, there you are!" She said as she sat up in bed. "- What's wrong with you? You don't look so good. Did Ciara do something to you?"

Kelly huffed and then threw herself on the bed next to Lala, trying to find the courage to talk about what had just happened.

"- Sis, Ciara is not a bad person. She was wrong about the way she treated Beyoncé, but everything she said was true was well-founded. So much so that she and I are no longer together.

The white elephant here is Beyoncé herself." She ran her hands over her face in agony.

"- What did she do? You've already talked and decided to go ahead with a professional relationship. So what's the problem with that?" Lala wanted to understand.

"- Exactly! But she wants to act as if we are still together, as if I have to give her the satisfaction of my life. You should see how she reacted now.

She was downstairs waiting for me to arrive and when she saw Ciara kissing me on the forehead, she freaked out and came out from where she was to get satisfaction from me. Can you believe it?"

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