Chapter 11

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Three days have passed since the events at Beyoncé's house and at this moment they are traveling to Houston, Beyoncé's home town, where the second show of the tour will be taking place.
After that dinner that Beyoncé gave, Tina offered her mansion that she has in the city for the girls to stay in, because sometimes in the hotel they wouldn't have the same privacy that they had in their own house and they agreed right away.
Their team will be staying in the hotel next to her house, so that it will be easier to meet up for the two rehearsals before the show.
The trip is silent, Michelle is sleeping in her seat, Kelly is wearing headphones while typing something on her notebook and Beyoncé is wrapped up in a blanket while looking at the clouds through the window of the jet and thinking about the latest events.

fter a 3 hour drive, Beyoncé's private plane poses and they head straight for the Lexus LX 570 Armored Jeep that was waiting for them to take them home.
Michelle was the first to get in so she didn't separate Kelly and Bey, they just didn't know that Michelle was planning this. Soon after, Bey got in and Kelendria got in last, as they got settled the driver started them up and they continued quietly until Chelle started talking.

"- Hey Bey! Are you excited to be back in your city?"

"- Oh, yeah! It's always good to be back, you know? It reminds me of so many good times I've had here." She said with a little more excitement.

"- I can imagine! Kelly you must have had some good times here too when you came to live with the Knowles family. Am I right?" Directed Michelle the word to Kelly, to try to get her to interact a little.

"- Yes, yes... It was pretty good to tell you the truth! I sometimes miss the simpler things I experienced here."  She said with a silly smile, as she remembered her and Bey having a picnic, playing pillow wars, and the times they slept together simply because they could stay apart from each other.

"- That smile on your face confirms everything you said and then some. Hehe..."  Michelle joked.

Just as Kelly was about to respond to Michelle's joke the Driver came down the partition of the car to let them know that they had arrived.
"-We're here, ladies!" He said.

"- Thank you, Mr. Armando." They said.

He opened the door for them to get out and as they walked to the front door of the house Kelly was silently checking Jessica's message that had just arrived.
Bey disguised to try to see what was written in the message, but she couldn't. When they opened the door they sighed with the decoration that Mama Tina had recently done and, to be honest, even though she was renovating the decoration of the house she made sure to keep some details from Beyoncé, Kelly and Solange's rooms just to not lose all the memories of that place. They loved it!

When Beyoncé entered her room, she laughed at the picture on the picture frame at the head of her bed.
It was a picture of her and Kelly, still teenagers, eating fried chicken.

It was a picture of her and Kelly, still teenagers, eating fried chicken

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