Chapter 15

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After they opened up about how they really felt, Beyoncé didn't want to stay away from Kelendria. For her it was hard enough before, now that she has released the feelings trapped for years in her heart, the only thing she wants now is to live this moment. In Beyoncé's mind all this was a dream that she doesn't want to wake up from.
Yesterday, after talking and cuddling for a while, Beyoncé fell asleep in Kelly's arms and Kelly fell asleep too.

It dawned and they were still sleeping together, as if they were two angels, but at 11:00 a.m. Kelendria's cell phone rang and before the noise could wake Beyoncé, she turned it off and checked on the blonde who was in her arms. Looking at Bey and seeing her sleeping so comfortably in her arms, Kelly couldn't help but sigh at the scene. If she could, she would freeze time in that instant, but no way.

Carefully she got Bey off of her and went to perform her morning hygiene and then went downstairs to see something for her and Bey to eat.
When she arrived in the kitchen Kelly greeted the maid and then put some things on the tray and went back to the bedroom, when she entered Beyoncé had already woken up, but hadn't noticed Kelendria's presence. When she saw Kelly, she immediately exclaimed Kelly's name in total surprise, as if she wasn't believing it was the dark-skinned woman entering her room with breakfast tray in hand.

"- Good morning, my Beybey!" replied Kelly as she closed the door with her foot so as not to knock over the tray that was in her hands.

Kelly approached Bey and handed her the meal she had prepared for them and when she looked into her eyes to give her a kiss, she noticed that the blonde's eyes were misty and this caught her attention making her think the worst.

"- Bey, what happened? Were you crying?" She questioned as she dried the tear that was still in the corner of the eyes of the woman in front of her.

Beyoncé was at a loss to say what it was, as she didn't want Kelly to see her as a shallow person, but she still took courage and said, "- Kelly, if I speak please don't laugh at me."

"- I would never do that, Bey!"

"- When I woke up and didn't see you here with me, I immediately went to look to see if you were in the bathroom and you weren't there either. Then I started to wonder if everything that happened yesterday was just a dream or my head's imagination and the possibility that our kiss, our declaration, the hugs, everything that happened, made me sad and made me cry. She said, pouting.

"Ownt... No, my love, it was all very real. We really lived through it and if you want we will live through much more than that." Kelly stroked Bey's face as she tried to calm her down.

"-It's what I want most, baby!" Bey said as she sealed her lips on Kelly's. "- It took me so long to have the courage to come clean about how I feel and now that I've been able to open my heart to you, every minute I have by your side I'm going to want to make the most of it."

Seeing Beyoncé declare herself in this way melted Kelly's heart and all she wanted to do was kiss, kiss and kiss her girl (if she can call it that).

Kelly couldn't contain her desire and showered Beyoncé with kisses in succession and after the expression of affection she said, "We're going to enjoy every moment together, I promise! You'll see. But first, we need to feed ourselves. Hehe... "

Kelendria settled herself better on the bed so they could start eating, while they were eating, Kelly took the fruit salad with honey and started feeding it to Bey who at some point ended up licking herself like a child. After laughing at Bey's state, Kelly took the napkin to wipe her mouth and while wiping, Beyoncé silently admired Kelly's beauty and wondered in thought how she could resist this beautiful girl for all this time.

When Kelly finished wiping Bey's mouth, she noticed that Beyoncé was still quiet and the next thing she knew Giselle's amber eyes were glazed over at her and she could see tenderness in them.

Seeing Bey looking at her like that made her shy and Beyoncé noticed that.

"- Hey, don't be shy, Kelendria." She spoke as she stroked the right side of Kelly's face with her thumb. "- Sorry to look at you like that, but I just couldn't help but notice such beauty. I know it's a bit of a cliché, but what I'm telling you is so sincere. I don't want to stop looking at you. "

Kelly didn't say anything, just reacted with a sweet kiss. It was supposed to be a short kiss, but she wanted more and more. The deeper the kiss became, the warmer the atmosphere between them.

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