Chapter 20

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When Bey finished speaking, not only Alba, but all of them were looking at her.
Her sister and her friends knew that that way of speaking was a sign of jealousy and that could be bad.

"- Hi, Bey. It's good to see you again! " Alba said with a forced smile.

"- You can call me Beyoncé, "Bey, Bey Bey, BB" is more for the intimate, very intimate, isn't it Kelly?"

Kelly knew that Bey was jealous and she thought it was so sexy when she acted like that, like last night, wanting to protect what was hers.
Before answering the question directed at her, Kelendria gave a corner smile so Alba wouldn't notice, but she soon undid the smile.

"- Yes, it's true. She's right." But to end the tension that was hanging in the air, Kelly decided to change the subject. "Changing the subject... I thought it was quite a coincidence that we met here." She said quickly looking at Beyoncé to check her out.

"- Oh, yes, that's right. The movie I'm in has some scenes that are shot here and for that reason here I am." She smiled with total sympathy at Kelly.

"- How interesting, Miss Alba." Bey said sarcastically.

"- Thank you, Miss Carter." Jessica called her by her married name just to pick on her, because she was sure after what happened at the Carter 's house that Beyoncé had feelings beyond friendship for Kelly.

Beyoncé took a deep breath and when she opened her mouth to rebut Alba's irony, Jay came over to meet them making a point of showing his presence.

"- Good evening, ladies!" He greeted them as he hugged Bey around the waist. "- Look who's here... Miss Alba! Long time no see. How nice that you are here! Have you come to visit your beloved? Oops, I meant your friend Kelly.

At that moment Kelly and Solange's blood was starting to heat up and their urge was to punch him.

"It's good to see you too, Jay. No problem, what you said is still true." Answered Alba.

Now who was getting more irritated was Bey.

"- Guys, the subject is fine, but I'm leaving. I'm going back to my room to take a shower, then watch a movie and order a pizza." Monica said. "- Are you guys coming with me or are you staying here? Bey is already with Jay, so it's up to you. I was ... " Monica quickly acted to stop a fight from happening.
"- We're all going with you, Mo. Wait for us... Bye to those who stay!" Solange and Michelle said together as they went after Monica who was already heading towards the elevator.

"- By, Miss Alba.
Bye, Jay and Bey! I'm going for that too." Lala spoke up. "- Kelly, are you going with me?"

"- I am, sis. Just a minute." She asked Lala to wait for her quickly.

"- Kelly, do you really need to go?" Jessica wanted to spend more time with the brunette.

"- You need to!" Beyoncé replied without a second thought, which caused everyone to look at her, especially Jay.

"- I appreciate your kindness in responding, Ms. Carter, but I think Kelly can speak for herself." Jessica was not joking, although her tone of voice was ironic. "- So, my dear Kells, we can go to dinner and have a nice chat like before. Do you accept?"

At that moment Bey needed to ask the angels for strength so she wouldn't screw up.

"- No, I'm tired, Jessi. But thank you so much for the invitation! I'll take a rain check. Have a good night!" She said as she gave her friend a hug.

When Kelly broke the hug Jay made a point of being inconvenient.

"- Gee, Bey and I watched as you two hugged and we both came to the conclusion that you make a cute couple."

"- Jay, don't put words in my mouth!" She snapped. "- But since you brought it up, I know very well the person who matches her and so does she, because we all told her, didn't we, Lala?" She smiled.

"- Oh, yes. We told her." Lala tried to sound as natural as possible and succeeded. "- Anyway, I don't want to be rude to you, but we're really leaving now. Bye everyone..."

LaLa took Kelendria by the hand and dragged her into the room with her, leaving the three of them behind.
Jay kept talking to Jessica and Bey was already in agony, she wanted to leave them both to join the rest of the girls upstairs, but she knew she couldn't do that. So she took action:
- Sorry to interrupt the subject of you two, but I'm tired and starting to get hungry. Can we go then, Jay?

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