Chapter 16

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Today was their last day in Houston and it would be Kelly and Beyoncé's first official date after they proposed to each other.
Kelly planned something a little different than what Beyoncé expects, nothing conventional like a dinner or a lunch in a fancy restaurant. That would be too common and predictable, she wanted to surprise Bey with something more dynamic and that's when she came up with the idea of taking her to a place where they used to go as teenagers.

When the cell phone woke up, Bey grumbled because it was early and she didn't want to wake up, but Kelly, with all her care and love helped her wake up and as Kelendria gave her sweet kisses all over Giselle's face and she would get a silly smile on her face, until there was a time she couldn't roll over anymore and woke up for good.

"- Bb, I know you don't like to wake up early, but we have to get up now or else we'll have to give up what I have planned for us."

"- I know, Kells, but I'm just really sleepy. "She pouted as Kelly melted at the scene. "- But I'm going to get up, I don't want to ruin our first of many dates."

"- Now you are! That's my Bey bey." Kelly was all giddy to be able to say that Bey was hers. "- I'm going to go to my room so you can take your shower and change while I do the same." Kelly gave her a kiss and turned her back to leave, that's when she remembered to make an observation. "Honey, don't wear anything formal. Wear comfortable clothes like jeans, a tank top and flip flops or something. Oh, and I left something on top of your bathroom cabinet that I bought for you at the hotel store, I hope you like it. Well, now I'm going to get ready.

See you downstairs at 10:30 am.

Kelly went out and closed the door, leaving Bey alone to get ready.

She is putting some boundaries between them, because they haven't made anything official and Kelly doesn't want to anticipate anything between them, so small and simple details like not changing clothes or showering with the door open when they are in each other's presence, she is depriving herself. It's not that she doesn't want to, she really wants to, but it messes with her too much and now she doesn't know to what extent she would be able to control her desire to grab Beyoncé and do with her everything she has ever wanted, so she has been avoiding certain things. Even to make sure what Bey really wants.

When Kelly arrived at her room, she went to choose what she was going to wear and after her choice, she went to brush her teeth and take a shower, when she finished her personal hygiene and put her clothes on she took the bag that she had put everything she needed and went down to put it along with the other things that the maid had already put inside the car.

When Kelly finished doing everything it was already 10:30 and Beyoncé still hadn't come downstairs and she was starting to get anxious, but when she thought about rushing her, Beyoncé came downstairs and she was looking really hot in that basic outfit. Kelly as usual was drooling over her!

Bey noticed the way she was looking at her so she went to her ear and said
"- I think you like what you see. Hehe..."

After she said that, Beyoncé kissed Kelly on the cheek and said:
- Oh, it's good to make it clear, I love what I'm seeing. Hehe...

Kelly gave Bey a mischievous smile as she handed her the glass of juice she had prepared and then they both jumped into Beyoncé's stepfather's Mustang and took off.

On the way, Bey turned on the car radio and they started singing along with the song that was playing, the whole trip was about singing, laughing, stolen kisses and exchanging ideas about the tour and life. But after almost an hour inside the car, Beyoncé started to pay attention to some details of the way Kelly was going and then she started to think she knew where they were going and that's when she decided to ask.

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