Epilogue: Life has just begun

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"DIEEEEE!!" screamed a very pissed DYNMT, trying to stop a villain that just cloned himself in one hundred copies

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"DIEEEEE!!" screamed a very pissed DYNMT, trying to stop a villain that just cloned himself in one hundred copies. "WHY SO FUCKING MANY?!"

"WE HAVE TO FIND THE ORIGINAL!" his partner Red Riot is in the same way. "Ugh!! Bonbon would be so helpful in this situation!!"

"DON'T MENTION HER OR I'LL GET EVEN MORE PISSED!" the blonde yelled while exploding everything in his way.

Bakugou is extremely furious because he was called to stop this villain that is just causing chaos for fun when he should be with his 9-month pregnant woman at home.

He hates to leave Sisipho with her so close to giving birth, but all the top heroes were called to stop this insane man that keeps cloning himself just to vandalize stores and streets.

"DEKU, SHOTO!! DO SOMETHING USEFUL AT LEAST!!" he yelled again, exploding another clone. "Fuck, I shouldn't be fucking here!!"

"Relax, man! She's fine with Mina."



Between a lot of curses and fighting, the heroes found the original guy and arrested him. It took an hour and everyone is on the edge. At least the damage is only material and not physical, no civilians were injured in this odd rampage.

"Fucking finally..." Bakugou murmured, wiping off the sweat on his face and searching for his phone, that only now he noticed that it was broken. "Shit, Tony will kill me for breaking another one... Fuck!"

After dealing with the police force and the press, Bakugou went to his best friend.

"Bro, where's your phone? Mina called me 30 times already!!" the red-headed said apprehensive and both men entered panic mode.

"Shit, give me that I'm calling them!!" he grabbed his phone, called Mina back, and ran to his car.

"Hi, Mina is driving..." a very faint voice answered.

"Holy shit, Sisi! It's me, love. What's wrong?"

"My water broke... Fuck this hurts so badly!" Sisi cried at the other end. "Kat, where are you? I'm scared..."

"Don't worry, babe. I'm driving to the hospital. Did you catch your things? Called the doctor?" the only answer he got was more cries and groans. "My love, where's Mandla?"

"Give it to me, intomba. I'm here, Katsuki! Don't worry I did everything you said. The doctor and his team are already waiting for us. Just hurry up, she needs you now!"

"I fucking know! I'm going as fast as I can. See you there."

Hanging off, Bakugou hit the gas and practically flew on the roads of Musutafu, certainly breaking a lot of rules but he doesn't care. Sisipho's scared voice is still ringing in his mind.

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