Chapter 10

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After the call Adrianna was really down. She was so ready to pick a fight with Ava when she got back. She called her multiple times but still no answer.
She checked the time and it was past 10.

She decided to wait a little longer but she ended up falling asleep on the couch.

Ava sat down and ran her hands through her hair. "Are you OK?" Diana asked.

"Yah I'm fine, just thinking about what my girlfriend gonna do to me", she rested her head on the wall and sighed.

"Hah! Ava's gonna get heartbroken tonight" Cassandra teased and just then the doctor came and told them Jason was alright.

Valerie went in to see him while the rest stayed out. "Ava you can go we'll be fine".

Ava stood up and ran out of the hospital. "Just in case I'm gonna get the bar at home filled with drinks" Cassandra said and they both laughed.

When she got home, she saw that the lights were still on so she assumed Adrianna was still awake but when she opened the door she saw Adrianna fast asleep on the couch.

She knelt beside her and swept the hair on Adrianna face. "I'm sorry I can't tell you. I just don't want you to get hurt". She stood up to leave but she heard Adrianna's voice.

"Where do you think you're going to?" She looked at her and saw the furious look on her face. "I knew you'll be mad at me so I wanted to leave you alone".

"OK yes you got it right I'm mad at you. Where were you and don't give me stupid excuses".

Ava cleaned her face with her palm and put them in her pockets. "Adrianna look I'm sorry, I was working and one of my clients wanted to meet at a bar that's why you heard music at the background". She sat beside her and held her hands.

"I didn't mean it I'm sorry". Adrianna's furious look began to melt. She looked at Ava and saw the sincere look in her eyes.

she smiled and hugged Ava. Ava sighed in relief and hugged her back. "So how was work?. Was your boss nice to you?"

Adrianna knelt beside her and held her hands. "My boss is really nice and cool. I even told her about you".

Ava's eyes widened in shock. "What?!!, what did you say?".

" Nothing serious just that you always work". Ava smiled and pulled her closer, "so who's more cooler, me or your boss?".

Adrianna wrapped her arms around Ava's neck and chuckled. "You're not gonna like my answer".

"Really?"Ava frowned. Adrianna smiled and kissed her. "Cheer up I'm the one that's meant to be mad".

"Alright who's hotter?". Adrianna looked up and playfully tried to avoid Ava's gaze but Ava made brought her face closer. " Honest answer ".

"I don't know but she had the first three buttons of her shirt undone and I don't know she looked so hot with her hair, her lips". Ava pushed Adrianna while she was blabbing and went to the bathroom.

"Come on I'm joking". Adrianna jerked as Ava closed the door angrily. When she was done she came out and met Adrianna on the bed waiting for her.

"Ava I'm sorry I was just joking". She pouted but Ava didn't answer her. " I'm talking to you" she said poking her but still no response.

She smiled at the idea that popped up in her head. Ava sat down on the bed and Adrianna went behind her and started kissing her neck. Ava closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip to prevent her moans from coming out. She wasn't really angry but she just didn't like the way Adrianna spoke about Olivia.

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