f o u r t e e n

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Kit's p.o.v

i hated myself. i had been getting non stop messages and calls from all of my cast mates telling me how fucked it was to do what i did to Zaizi, but i already knew this and i literally despised myself for it.

i knew in my head i had to make up for it and the least she deserves is an apology along with an explanation but i didn't know how to do it properly and how to show the amount of regret i felt.

i picked up my phone and clicked on mylas contact hoping she would give me some advice on how to make it up to her best friend

after two rings she answered

"fuck off" she stated before hanging the phone up.

i let out a sigh, i knew i was going to have to work hard to make it up to zaizi and i was willing to try my hardest. especially when her own best friend won't talk to me, I know how close they are but I just want to know what I can do to get through to Zaizi again. 

I looked back at my phone and clicked on Joes contact instead, praying that he would talk to me after a few rings he picked up the phone and didn't even let me get a word in before he said 

"I know what your going to ask, don't try to talk or make any form of contact with her yet, she needs time to cool off kit, you really hurt her, I'm sorry but I'm with her now and had to run to the bathroom to answer the call so I have to go, don't do anything silly love you bye"

I hear the three beeps coming from my phone indicating that the call had ended, it took me a few moments to decipher what Joe had said and let it sink in, that's when it hit me that I had really fucked up.

I had let this girl stay at my house when she was at her most vulnerable, and comforted her at her lowest, yet I let my drunken self fuck that all up.

I laid back on my bed and felt a tear fall down my cheek, how was I going to get myself out of this one.

heyyyy besties, im so so sorry I've been away for so long lollll I've acc had the shittest past few months and just lost all motivation in general, but as we all know (I hope) ITS HEARTSTOPPER S2 DAY!!!!!!!! so off seeing my beautiful kit on screen gave me all the motivation in the world! ofc I won't carry on writing if no one wants to read it lol, so lmk if anyones gonna read and ill carry on for you my lovers xxxxxxx

favourite girl~ kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now