t h r e e

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zaizi's p.o.v

joe and i had been talking over message for a few days and i can gladly say he is one of my favourite people, i've already facetimed my best friend myla and told her all about it which she was very excited about as she was obsessed with heartstopper as well.

joe had invited me and myla to the pub with him and the rest of the heart stopper cast, i was shitting myself as this meant i was going to meet kit, the boy in which instagram i had been staring at over the past few days.

while getting ready me and myla were on facetime talking about how nervous we were as both of us hated meeting new people which is why we only have each other as friends.

"please come mine before we go pub so i don't have to walk in by myself" i pleaded

"are you dumb i was gonna come yours anyway" myla replied with a laugh

"oh i meant to ask you how's abel being recently" she added on hesitantly

"don't even fucking ask" i state

"oh god babe why what happened" she pressed gently

"basically the other day it was my mums birthday yeah and i spent alllll fucking day getting everything ready and organising what time everyone should get there and stuff, abel didn't bother doing shit and the first thing he said to me when he came downstairs was that i looked rough"

i heard myla huff on the other end of the phone, she knew how much me and abel didn't get on

"then when everyone was in the garden just drinking and chatting he was just making sly comments at everything i did and said so i snapped and then it all got flipped on me again"

"oh zaiz" she sighed sympathetically

"it's fine siblings aren't supposed to get on"  i laughed

"anyway enough about me and abel are you ready?" i questioned

"yeah have been for ages"

"well get your arse round mine then and let's get down the booozaaaa" i shouted

"oi oi oi on my way round now dad"

myla had arrived at my house at the same time me and abel were in another argument so as soon as i saw her i stormed out the house slamming the door.

i messaged joe to let him know we were on our way

me and myla are on our
way now bae sorry for being
a bit late x

honestly babes it's fine
we're all here and got
you two some drinks for
when you get here, is
everything okay? xxxx

i'll explain when i get
there darling xx

i was getting more nervous each step that was taken in the direction of the pub, myla sensed my nervousness and linked her arm through mine.

"you'll be fine babe honestly and a plus is that you look shaggable"

i burst out laughing which probably looked strange to passers by but i didn't care.

the pub came into view and my nerves had subsided by now as i had the best distraction linked through my arm.

i walked up to the door and pushed it open, stepping inside and looking around, my eyes caught with a certain brown curly haired boy who's face lit up when he saw me.

"fina fucking ly" he says exasperated making everyone else that was sat round their table stop their conversations and look around to see what was going on.

before i was able to catch eyes with anything else i saw joe running over to me with his arms open, he got to me and engulfed me in a hug before pulling away and doing the same to myla.

"come meet everyone my darlings"

"everyone this is zaizi and myla" he stated pointing to everyone around the table.

"introduce yourselves then guys" joe added with a laugh causing the people around the table to begin a flurry of introductions

"hey girls i'm yas" said a beautiful girl with a huge smile

"sebastian but everyone calls me bash" a boy with brown longish hair added with a laugh

"will" another boy added with a smile and a wave

"corinna" said another girl with a huge smile "and there's someone else called kizzy but they've gone to the toilet" she added with a giggle

"cormac" said a boy with blonde hair but his eyes failed to meet mine as they were stuck on myla

"rhea" said the last girl with a smile and giggle

just then my eyes trailed to the last person that was yet to introduce themselves

"and i'm kit"

THEY MET!!!!!!! please let me know what you guys think about this story so far💕

favourite girl~ kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now