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kit's p.o.v

i sighed making my way to cormacs house where he was holding a party, i was going to use it to try and get my mind off of zaizi so i could finally stop worrying about her and if she was okay.

i walked into the party to be greeted by the smell of alcohol which was nauseating, the music was booming and everyone was dancing everywhere i looked.

i was greeted by a very intoxicated looking will 'kittttttt oh my god' he slurred putting his arms around me and pulling me in for a bone crushing hug.

"your girlfriends in the kitchen" he simply states before stumbling off.

i made my way into the kitchen still confused as to who he meant, in my head i was praying he meant zaizi, after making my way around practically the whole of the downstairs and finally finding the kitchen, that was where i saw her.

my eyes locked onto her and i breathed a sigh of relief i never knew i was holding in, she looked completely unscathed and was laughing at something someone head. the moment almost went in slow motion and no matter how loud the music was all i could hear in my eyes was her melodic laugh repeating.

i began making my way over to her finding myself being excited even though i'd seen her not only 12 hours prior.

zaizi's p.o.v

"hey darling" i heard a voice whisper in my ear

i swung my body around ready to swing for the absolute freak who just creeped up and whispered in my ear like that.

my whole body visibly relaxed when i saw it was kit, i was only relaxed for a split second before i punched his arm lightly 

"hey hey what was that for"

"kit it's probably not the best idea to come and whisper that in my ear like some nonce at a crowded house party" i laughed

"okay my love that's noted for next time" he smiled

i just smiled at him and playfully rolled my eyes at his little pet names for me.

"anyway i didn't think you would be here" he added

"yeah cormac invited myla because their basically in love with each other but are too scared to admit it" i giggled "and she dragged me along with her because im staying at hers"

i noticed his face visibly light up at the mention of me staying at mylas which confused me but i brushed it off.

"so you're not home alone with abel?" he questioned

"no" i responded

before i knew it i was being pulled into a hug, his arms snaked around my neck while mine hesitantly found their way around his waist.

"i was so worried when i saw your instagram post earlier" he informed me

"oh kit" i sighed "i would have been fine even if i did stay there"

"you don't know that though" he croaked

"i do but anyway enough about my sad excuse for a brother let's get absolutely sloshed" i stated grabbing his hand and dragging him over to the table where all the alcohol was placed out.

we both downed a couple of shots pulling grimaced faces in the process.

the rest of the night went on like that, downing more and more drinks and dancing with kit but also dancing with myla and the rest of the cast that were there.

i had never been more grateful for a group of people in my entire life.

favourite girl~ kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now