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kit's p.o.v

after me and zaizi had met at the pub and i had told her why i was worried when she ghosted out of the blue, we had been closer than ever.

"kitttttt" i heard zaizi groan from beside me

she had been staying at my house since we met up at the pub that day because her brother had sent her horrid messages about how she left the house that day. I might have looked over her shoulder and saw the messaged and insisted on her not going home that day as I couldn't bare the thought of her hearing those messages be said to her face.

and ever since that day 4 days ago she just hasn't left my house. she had been sleeping next to me in my bed, because that's what friends do I guess.  I actually really enjoyed her company and was finding out small things about her that I found myself smiling at.

"yes" I replied

"I think I should probably get going home soon" I heard her huff

from the tone of her voice I could hear she was hesitant and probably didn't want to go home.

"no no you don't have to" I quickly stated

"kit" she started "honestly it's fine the longer I leave it the worse it will be when I eventually go home"

"as long as you're sure you'll be fine at home"

"I promise I will be fine kit. ill message you when I get home"

she sat up on the bed from her previous position of laying down. she looked down at me and I could swear my heart stopped for a second. her hair was in a messy bun with bits of hair hanging down infront of her face. her eyes were puffy as she had woken up 20 minutes prior. she looked down at me through her long lashes and a small smile crept up onto her face. not long after I found one creeping up on my lips as well.

"your so cute KitKat" she giggled

"never fucking call me that again" I stated through a fit of laughter

"whyyy its cute" she laughed genuinely sounding confused as to why I disliked the name

"zaizi it is really not cute" I said while still laughing

"shushhhh" she said putting her hand over my mouth

I kept on trying to move my face out the way of her hand. we were both laughing at this point as she was still trying to shut me up. after she had accepted defeat and gave up trying to keep her hand over my mouth we looked down to the position we were in.

we looked down to see that zaizi was straddling me. we both looked back up and caught each others eyes. I noticed her eyes slightly trail down to my lips but not before shooting back up to my eyes as if she didn't want me to realise she was looking at them.

I had a newfound surge of confidence and leant forward connecting our lips, I heard a slight gasp coming from zaizi.

I pulled away thinking I had caught the complete wrong signal from her. I was shocked when I felt two hands behind my head and before I knew it our lips were being connected again. it felt like the cliché fireworks being sent through my whole body.

I had never felt like this about a girl before and I didn't even realise the extent until we kissed.

we pulled away after a lengthy kiss, and looked into each others eyes again.

"jesus" zaizi gasped

"well I suppose I best get going then" she sighed getting off of my lap

"yes I guess so" I huffed

after getting all of her things together, which she didn't have a lot of because her clothes over the past 4 days had consisted of mainly my wardrobe.

after we has said our goodbyes and given each other a long and meaningful hug which I think was more meaningful for zaizi as deep down she didn't want to go home.

I shut the door and smiled to myself.

THEY KISSED!!!!! thank fuck even though they haven't known each other that long pls don't shout at me guys, do you think it was too fast? anyways 2k reads????? are you joking im crying love u all sm xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

favourite girl~ kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now