f o u r

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kit's p.o.v 

the whole cast were sitting around a table in the pub waiting for some friends that joe had invited along to show up, when i asked joe if they knew who we were he looked at me with a smirk and said 

"one of them knows you"

i was confused as to what that was supposed to mean so i asked what her name was and went on a bit of a stalk through joes account to find her to see exactly what he meant. 

i came across her account and was taken aback by her beauty 

then i stumbled upon the post i'm assuming joe was talking about 'am now obsessed with heartstopper and in love w kit connor oh also happy birthday to the mumma<3'  i chuckled to myself and put my phone back in my pocket before anyone noticed that i was looking at her account. 

i had almost forgot that they were supposed to be turning up as they were a bit late, that was until joe sprung up from his seated position and shouted towards some people that had just walked through the door.

i followed his train of vision to see the girl i was looking at on my phone screen a mere half an hour ago stood at the doorway to the pub while joe was running up to her with arms spread. 

he brought the two girls over and introduced them to the group, i noticed cormac's eyes fall onto zaizi's friend and not change position.

after everyone had introduced themselves joe gave the two drinks he had brought earlier to the girls and they sat down, zaizi sat next to me with myla next to her basically sliding off the end of the bench. 

zaizi's p.o.v 

joe had given me and myla our drinks and told us to sit down and i wanted to sprint out of the nearest when i saw the only space to sit was next to kit, i hesitantly took a seat and myla followed me soon after. 

the blonde boy who earlier introduced himself as cormac noticed that myla was hanging off the end of the bench and spoke up

"myla i have some space next to me" he paused and patted the space next to him 

"doesn't look very comfortable sat on the edge like that" he added with a small smile

i smiled and heard myla giggle next to me , i glanced over to her and whispered "go" 

she didn't hesitate in going over and taking cormac up on his offer. i couldn't help but smile at the sight of my best friend coming out of her shell with people we've only just met.

"so you're in love with me then" i hear a hushed voice from beside me making me jolt 

"huh" i frowned turning my head to see that kit was closer than i had ever imagined he would be to my face

"oh sorry" he blurted while backing up

i almost wanted to complain that his face wasn't in such close proximity to mine anymore but i refrained. 

"when joe told us that his friends were coming" he went on explaining "i asked if either of you two knew us and he looked at me with a smirk and said one of them know you"

i laughed while hiding my face out of embarrassment

he carried on "so i asked what your name was and then found you through joe's instagram"


"oi shush you let me finish" he said with a side smile

"anyway i found your account and then saw the post where you proclaimed your love for me, you're lucky i didn't mention it when the introductions were taking place because i almost did"

"well thank you for refraining from doing so" i stated with a laugh

"no worries love i thought i'd save you the embarrassment" he smiled

i had to use all of my might to not melt right then and there with the use of the word coming out of his mouth being directed at me. 

 "so how did you and joe meet then?" he questioned unbeknownst to my internal struggles as a result of his words.

i went on to explain the funny story of how me and joe became friends, and the night just went on like that with me and myla getting to know everyone a bit better, there was drinks flowing left right and centre.

i realised that i hadn't reached this level of happiness in a while, just being surrounded by people my age or similar ages and just chatting absolute shit with a side of drinking. it almost made me forget about the argument that me and abel managed to get into earlier.

kit must have noticed my face drop thinking back to the argument 

he nudged my shoulder "you okay?" he questioned 

"yeah sorry just zoned out" i looked at him with a smile in which he returned. 

"zaiz come and get the next round of drinks with me" i heard from across the table.

i looked up to see it was joe who suggested it and got up following him over to the bar.

"sooooooo" he chimed while wiggling his eyebrows "how's it going with kit?"

"yeah good we're just chatting about anything and everything to be honest" 

"ugh that's the best we love that" joe added with a laugh

"anyway enough of kit tell me what happened between you and your twat of a brother" 

even though joe and i had only become friends fairly recently, we had become very very close and told each other pretty much every single detail of our lives. so he's heard everything there has to be said about me and abel

"just stupid shit again but it was a bit worse because it nearly got physical this time"

joes head snapped towards my direction with such force that i'm shocked he didn't snap it right then and there.  

"zaiz what the fuck that's bad" he gasped

"no no no don't worry myla arrived before any hands could actually be thrown" i hushed because his previous statement had caught some attention

"yeah but still its bad zaizi like honestly it's not normal"

knowing joe had not meant anything malicious from those words didn't take away from the fact they still cut deep as i hadn't let myself deep the fact that mine and abel's sibling relationship was not normal whatsoever. 


yet another chapter my loves!!! i wrote 1056 words! like wtf didn't think it was possible for me to produce that many words. anyways i just wanted to say that in this story all of the characters are over 18 and that is the legal age to drink and smoke in the UK! and also i am very if you are offended by swearing but i feel obliged to add it in as they are all british and heavy swearing is a very british thing! anyways let me know what you think lovelies xxxxxxx

favourite girl~ kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now