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kit's p.o.v

I hadn't heard from zaizi since she had left my house and my nerves were slowly increasing by each minute that passes by. I knew she was probably home and safe and maybe just forgot to message me but I was still getting worried.

i made the decision to facetime her purely to calm my nerves and put myself at ease, she answered after two rings but what i saw pop up on screen made my heart drop. zaizi's face was severely tear stained along with her eyes being swollen and red. i knew straight away what, or more specifically who, had caused her to get into such a state.

"oh zaizi what happened" i inquired wanting to know what had gone down between her and abel

"just abel you know its nothing deep my love don't worry" she replied forcing a smile onto her face

my heart began to flutter for a split second at the name she called me but it stopped when i realised that she was in distress, i was trying to think of ways in which i would be able to comfort her over the phone.

"hey darling do you want to do anything or just talk?"

"can you just stay on facetime with me until i fall asleep please? because im really tired and just need to sleep" she questioned in a shy voice as if she automatically thought my answer would be no.

"of course i can love" i smiled

she propped her phone up on her night stand and got tucked up into bed without even changing into any pyjamas, that was my indication that she was truly very tired. i felt weird watching her as she slowly drifted off to sleep but i couldn't seem to pull my eyes away from my screen.

i was drawn in by the way her hair had fell over her face and was being blown every time she exhaled, her plump lips and how they were parted slightly as she fell deeper and deeper into sleep. i had to stop myself from imagining them on mine again because i didn't know what her feelings were on the kiss we shared earlier.

i slowly found myself drifting to sleep after making sure that zaizi had fallen asleep completely before i allowed myself to get comfortable in my own bed. that night i fell asleep with the biggest smile that has been on my face in a long while.

zaizi's p.o.v

i woke up the next morning and looked over to my phone to see that kit was still on facetime, i smiled to myself and i saw his face poking out from his duvet with his hair all over the place. i chuckled before reaching over to my phone and ending the call praying it wouldn't wake him up.

i sent him a message saying that i had to end it as i woke up and i wanted to leave him to sleep peacefully. i got out of bed and started to walk downstairs to make myself some breakfast, completely disregarding the fact i was still in yesterdays clothes.

i walked into the kitchen and noticed there was a note on the counter, i walked over to it with a frown on my face wondering what it entailed.

dear my darlings

me and your father will be away for two weeks on a business trip, i know it's a bit longer than usual but we'll make sure to message every day to check in.

Zaizi we have left Abel in charge obviously because he is older so please does what he says and i don't want to hear from the neighbours again saying there has been explosive arguments.

we love you both so much

Mum and Dad xxx

sorry for the short chapter!! how are you all doing my loves? hope you're all doing good! i will try my best to keep my updates regular xxx

favourite girl~ kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now