t h i r t e e n

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kit's p.o.v

i woke up with an excruciating headache groaning, the taste of alcohol still lingering in my mouth. i noticed another body in the bed next to me as i had my arm placed around their waist. i looked up to see a head of blonde hair, i smiled thinking it was zaizi.

then the person turned their head towards me and i was upset to see it wasn't zaizi but in fact some girl i had never seen before.  i quickly sat upright and rubbed my eyes praying i was in some sort of dream, pulling my hands away from my eyes i realised it wasnt in fact some sort of dream and it was reality.

"hey baby" the stranger said

"not being funny who the fuck are you" i replied

i heard a giggle come from her mouth, and it wasn't a cute giggle it was one that made you want to physically burst your own eardrums so you can never hear again.

"do you not remember last night then" she inquired while trailing her fingers up my torso which i just now realised was bare.

"no i don't and i don't want to so please may you leave my bed and house" i stated

she huffed while saying "you were a shit shag anyway"

she stood up from my bed and put on her dress that was on the floor next to my bed from last night.

after she had left i lay back in my bed and buried my face in my hands. what the fuck have i done.

i picked up my phone from my bedside table to see numerous messages and calls from various people but i didn't care about that right now i checked to see if i had a message from the only person i wanted to hear from.


i sighed knowing that i had completely fucked it with a girl that i well and truly liked.

zaizi's p.o.v

i didn't even need to wake up as i hadn't closed my eyes all night, refusing to get a wink of sleep after i saw kit leaving the party with another girl last night.

i felt an arm wrap around my wait and leant into it knowing who it was.

"you okay my love" i heard myla question from next to me

i couldn't even muster up a response so i just grumbled

"oh babe" she sighed "i'm sure there's a reasonable excuse or explanation" she said trying to make kit seem like a better person in this situation

the only response i could muster up to that was a laugh.

it seemed to be my luck when it comes to boys that they always seem to find someone better and prettier. it's happened before so who's to say it won't and can't happen again.

i sighed to myself wishing that i hadn't let myself be so vulnerable around kit. my stupid self thought he was different and i actually believed he liked me and wasn't going to do what had happened to me countless times before.

writers words xoxox

IM BACK!!!!!!
i know ive been away for a while but like i said in the authors note i haven't been in the best state mentally. but im back now! im not feeling 10000% but im way better than i was❤️ thank you for your endless support! i appreciate you all so much xxx

favourite girl~ kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now