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zaizi's p.o.v

after i had walked out of kit's house and started walking back to my own all that was playing on my mind was our kiss.

it was playing on my mind how vulnerable i let myself be in front of him, i hadn't been like that in front of a boy since my ex who i had tried long and hard to get out of my mind.

i had got in my own mind so much that i had gone into auto pilot and made my own way home, i looked up and saw that my parents car wasn't in the drive.

it took all i can to not sprint back to kit's house and stay there forever, i did not want to be in a house alone with abel after those messages and how we left it.

i got my keys out of my pocket and put them in the door and hesitated before unlocking it.

"if that's you zaizi i swear to fucking god" i hear the last person i wanted to see scream through the house.

i tried as hard as i could to sneak through the house quietly as i could, before i knew it i felt a grip around my arm.

"where the fuck have you been you fat twat" he seethed

"abel please just leave it i don't want to talk to you"

"i don't fucking care what you want zaizi i need you to tell me why you think you can just leave for days and not be here to do anything around the house"

"do stuff around the house what the fuck are you feeling alright" i had finally reached boiling point with him and was not going to take it anymore

"abel why the fuck do you think you can push me around all the time, your such a low life prick who thinks he has control over me because im the only thing in your life you can seem to gain control over well you know what you can shove you and whatever sibling relationship we have left up your fucking arse because i'm done as soon as i have enough money im moving out you selfish arrogant prick"

before i knew it and before i could defend myself i felt a sharp sting come across my cheek.

i felt physically sick. no matter how many arguments me and abel argued he had never laid hands on me. i never thought it would come to this.

tears sprung to my eyes and i looked up into my brothers eyes to see if he had any sense of remorse or guilt but all i could see plastered over his face was hate.

pure hatred.

and that's when it hit me. abel and i were passed any sort of normal sibling relationship. but to be honest i couldn't really give two shits

i am so so sorry that i haven't updated in a while, i've had the worst week and have been very mentally drained, im going to try my hardest to do regular updates but im really sorry if there not very regular!

anyways i hope you're all doing well and im always here for a chat if any of you need it! xxx

favourite girl~ kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now