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This is my version of how I wanted Finn to find out about New York and how Piper would've told him. Hope you enjoy!

Everything was going good with her friendship with Amy and most importantly her relationship with Finn.

The show was coming up very quickly, so Step Inside is just around the corner.

Piper walks into Studio A with her phone in her hand as she is calling her brother James, he and Riley have been living in New York City for nearly 2 years and they love the city so much.

It is the most magical place they have ever visited since leaving Canada.

She chuckles while talking to James of what has been happening this year since rejecting going to Nationals and giving it to the new a-troupe and they are now doing Step Inside.

And now her and the whole troupe after this may be going their separate ways as Kingston has already auditioned for a movie behind the team's back.

Everyone was shook and angry with him mostly Ozzy as they have been best friends for years but after all the guilt everyone gave him, they finally told him how proud they were of him.

"Anyways how are you?" James asks as Piper sits down on the benches and she fiddles with her ring on her finger.

"I'm good. Mostly stressed for Step Inside."

James chuckles knowing times hasn't changed, he always thinks that Piper and Riley are legit the exact same person.

"Pipes, you don't need to stress about it, I'm sure you'll be incredible next week. Riles and I will be watching cheering you and Finn on."

"How is Finn anyways?"

Piper smiles happily, she hasn't been this happy since she started dating Finn, he makes her feel amazing like nothing else in the world.

James is overjoyed that finally her sister is at last happy. He hasn't seen her upset since before they started dating and is glad that Finn is making her feel like home. They are perfect.

Piper exhales and looks at him.

"He's just amazing, I can't thank him enough. I love him and he's the best boyfriend ever, we've been doing great in our relationship so far." Piper smiles excitedly.

"But Amy is totally freaking her out, her mom is making her audition for the Matthean Drama and Dance and It is totally stressing her out." Piper says.

James gasps excitedly.

"Oh my god, that sucks. But you would love New York!! Pipes Riley and I are renting out one of the rooms out, you should totally come over and maybe see if you could see yourself living here. And they have incredible schools here Pipes." James convinces her

"James we have this show going on and I definitely can't leave Finn. He's too important to me."

He nodded.

"You don't have to decide now I just need to know by the end of the week if you want to take this okay Pipes."

Piper shook her head and smiles and ends the call.

She immediately runs her hand through her hair and thinks how she is going to have this conversation with Finn, they haven't really been talking about the future yet and can't even think about a life without him being not their.

But she imagines herself in New York and thinks about how fantastic that would be.

Amy and her late nights in the city dancing together in the streets.

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