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AUTHOR's NOTE: THIS IS NOT A TIMELESS CHAPTER. I'm feeling lazy af writing the smut chapter, but I feel bad not updating for almost two weeks SOOOOOO... Here is the first chapter of my Hakkai fic titled "FELL IN LUV" which will be published after the completion of TIMELESS. Let me know thoughts AND I hope you enjoy <3 TIMELESS chapter should be up this week!

Hakkai x Reader

It was known throughout school that Shiba Hakkai was afraid of women. Female teachers scared him, his female classmates went ignored and he steered clear of all the other girls in school despite being heavily sought after.

Student council member and a player on the basketball team, Hakkai was a pretty well known student in school and he definitely had a lot of admirers. But with all of his friends starting to settle down in relationships or find girls that they liked, he wouldn't even know where to begin.

He was roaming the halls with his student council armband on, humming to himself as other students were currently in class. He commonly just used student council as an excuse to leave class, opting to do work in the office instead. But as he slid open the door to the student council office, a sleeping figure on the couch in the room caught his attention. He had never seen this girl before, not around school and definitely not at the student councils office. Looking over to the president's desk he pointed over to the sleeping girl.

His sister Yuzuha rolled her eyes before tossing a book over at the girl waking her up.


"What? She needed to get up anyway and not use my damn office as an excuse to not sit in class."

Groaning, the girl got up with a delayed response and rubbed her forehead.

"Was that necessary?"

"Yes. We're almost at lunch and I don't plan on sitting in here with you so you can catch some z's. Hakkai this is Y/n. Y/n this is my brother," Yuzuha crossed her arms. Y/n looked towards Hakkai who's eyes shot in a different direction to avoid eye contact. Raising an eyebrow, Y/n looked back towards Yuzuha not understanding why her brother was so damn rude.

"Uh. What the hell is his deal?"

"He's shy. Doesn't do well with girls."

"Is he-"

"Not gay. Just weird," Yuzuha shrugged before paper clipping some paperwork together and setting them to the side. Y/n yawned before putting her school cardigan back on that she had been using as a makeshift blanket.

"Never seen her around school before," Hakkai mumbled loud enough for both girls to hear him. Y/n shot him a glare before standing up from her seat.

"I can hear you. Don't talk about me like I'm not around asshole," she grabbed her stuff and walked past him making sure to shoulder bump him on the way out.

Yuzuha groaned as she pulled her bento box from her bag. Hakkai stood there stunned. He'd never gotten someone angry like that other than his own friends and family. It made him feel sort of guilty. He looked down towards the ground feeling his heart drop at the fact that he had truly upset someone due to his stupid fear of women.

"Go apologize. Before I end up having to deal with her."

"B-But Yuzuha-"

"This is the perfect opportunity to use the practice you've been doing on talking to girls. You need to get used to being around girls. And that doesn't include me, Emma, Hina or Senju. So shoo," she waved him off with her hand before digging into her lunch. He whimpered in fear before heading out of the office and beginning his search for the girl. He checked every corner and every classroom he could, and could not find her anywhere. Sighing to himself he swung open the rooftop door to get some air, but his eyes widened as he spotted her sitting down reading a book to herself.

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