Girl's Night

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Y/n's POV

Uncomfortable wasn't the word to explain how Y/n was feeling in this moment. After seeing how much time Y/n's been spending around, the rest of the girls in their group decided to invite her out for a night of fun. While Yuzuha, Senju, Emma and Hina were all busy chatting, Y/n sat playing with her cocktail glass swirling it's contents around.

"So. How's tutoring Takemichi going?"

Y/n lifted her head up, to see all four girls staring at her.

"Uh. Fine? He's not completely failing," she took a sip from the glass anxiously.

"I really appreciate the help. I would help him myself but.. Michi's hard headed," Hina smiled thanking the girl. Y/n returned the thanks with a simple nod.

"Takemichi's really been trying though lately hasn't he?"

"He's not consistent! One day he's cleaning the apartment, giving me massages and making me feel loved. The next he's out sleeping over at one of the guys' not even telling me and showing up the next morning like it's nothing," Hina began to complain. Y/n's eyes widened, as she chugged down the rest of her drink.

Emma gasped as her jaw dropped to the floor. Yuzuha and Senju were also shocked to hear that Takemichi would do something like that. They were used to him showing up places randomly, but that was only really a thing he'd do when he leaped or was trying to fix something in time.

"Do you think... He's cheating?"

"Takemichi? Cheat? Yeah right," Senju laughed as she leaned back in his seat.

"No its possible.. there was the one time I was trying to make Draken jealous and-"

"Can we not talk about that? That was an accident Takemichi's just stupid sometimes," Hina muttered not wanting to rehash the memories of the past.

"What do you think Y/n?"

"Me? Uh.. I've never had a boyfriend so I wouldn't know," Y/n stoically responded. The other girls looked at her bewildered. Y/n raised an eyebrow, staring back at the four of them.


"But I thought you and Mikey were getting somewhere!"

"Nah we're just enjoying each other's presence. I mean we go out and stuff but, nothing official. I'm gonna go grab a drink," Y/n quickly rushed away from the section in the club and made her way to the bar.

All four girls left behind looked at each other.

"She's... Weird," Senju mumbled observing Y/n from afar as she ordered herself a few shots.

"She's really nice. Maybe she just gets uncomfortable when we talk about Mikey," Hina defended the girl. To her, Y/n was helping Takemichi study and bringing his grades up she she had no reason to not like the girl. Emma scoffed, picking up her own drink.

"You're being too friendly Hinata. Doesn't it bother you how much time she spends with Takemichi?"

"I mean no? They're just studying what's wrong with that?"

"They hang out at the cafe and the mall. And the other things he's all of a sudden doing. You really think Takemichi is smart enough to figure all this out on his own?"

"Yeah Hina, she might be right... Did you ever ask Takemichi whose place he crashed at that night?"

Hina went silent. She didn't think she'd have to ask something like that, because she just assumed he was with one of the guys. But now that they bring this up, that same day Takemichi did have a study session with the girl. It's possible he crashed over at hers.

"No. I didn't. Look, she's coming back let's talk about this later," Hina mumbled. The four of them engaged in another conversation before Y/n had gotten back to the table. She sensed there was a little bit of hostility now, as no one even bothered to glance her way after she came back. Looking at her phone she shot someone a quick text message and shoved her phone back into her purse.

"Thank you all for the invite but I think I'm gonna head out."

"Got plans with someone Y/n?"

"I'm gonna go meet Mikey, I haven't really spent time with him lately," her face unintentionally went red.

"Get there safely! Thanks for coming out with us," Yuzuha said with a grin. She was the only one who wasn't suspicious of the connection between Y/n and Takemichi. To be fair she also had her fair share of feelings for Takemichi in the past, so she completely understood why the girl may have been around him so much.

"Bye," Y/n waved before making her way out, heading to her and Mikey's secret spot. Kicking the heels on her feet off, and pulling her hair out of its tight ponytail, she sighed as she enjoyed the cool mist coming from the hidden waterfall. She closed her eyes, just breathing in the atmosphere before a pair of hands were put over her eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Oh stop it Mikey. We're the only two who come here," she smiled to herself while he removed his hands and sat next to her.

"So how was it?"

"Terrible. I think they all hate me."

"You're prob not wrong. You're a pretty hateable person," he joked. Y/n nudged him with her elbow before sitting up straight.

"It was just awkward. I don't know why everyone's so fucking adamant about us being in a-"

"Let them think what they want. We care about each other, isn't that enough? We don't owe anyone shit," Mikey mumbled getting frustrated. Y/n could sense him getting annoyed, so she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"Manjiro. Fuck everyone else right now, let's just spend time together ok?"

"Mhm," he sighed as he calmed down.

The two decided to just star gaze, cuddling with each other as they joked around and talked about who knows what. The intimacy between the two was kept at bay, however Y/n just couldn't stop thinking about Mikey's words. Maybe she should leave Takemichi alone and stop tutoring him. She was never one for drama, and would never want to be the person that ruins a relationship. It's clear the girls of the group didn't particularly care for her, and it's probably due to her involvement with Takemichi and Mikey.

But then again, Y/n was never an entitled or selfish person. She always cared more about everyone else's wants and needs. She constantly put other people's happiness before her own. What if they could be happy together? Deep down she couldn't help but feel like she met Takemichi during a bad time.

After Mikey dropped her off back at her place, instead of going straight to her own apartment she knocked on the door of the apartment next door to hers. She could hear the shuffling of feet and various items being bumped into or dropped onto the floor before finally the door opened.

And there she stood. Mel. A childish girl with a big heart whom she had met at freshman orientation. The two didn't exactly get along at first, but they ended up becoming the best of friends.

"Ah shit, did I bang on the wall too loud last-"

"Mel stop. I just wanted to hang out," Y/n gagged when she realized what Mel was referring to as banging.

"Well come right in bitch," she smiled at Y/n dragging her inside and putting on a movie for them to watch. It was good to know that even after a shitty girl's night, Y/n had an amazing female friend she could rely on and that was all she needed.

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