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Takemichi groaned as he shoved his face into his pillow, attempting to drown out the music blaring from the living room.

His closest friends were gathering together to celebrate the end of term, and everyone's summer internships. Takemichi, however, confined himself to his bedroom since his ex girlfriend was currently in attendance.

Staying away from Hina was becoming a bit easier for him as his mind and time has been focused on Y/n and doing what was best for her future. The more time they spent together, the more Takemichi learned exactly why he ended up with her in the future, and he slowly began to fall in love with her.

After everything that she's been through, she was still a selfless individual who cared more about everyone else than she did about herself and the same could often be said about Takemichi. He cared more for everyone else's happiness than he did his own, but for once in his life everything made sense and he truly found his own happiness.

If he could stay in this timeline and bask in the moments he'd be spending with her, he would. But that would be him being selfish. The version of her that jumped off the roof lives in his mind rent free, and he couldn't help but let it eat at him every time he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Even with the guilt, him being with her now was more than just preventing that future from happening, it's about giving the love to her that she deserves and allowing himself to feel a different kind of love.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang, his bedroom door hitting against the wall from being slammed open.

"Takemitchy! C'monnn, you're being a lame!"

"Lameeee Mitchy," Hakkai cackled as Angry leaned against him for support. The two were clearly inebriated as they both held a bottle of beer in their hands.

"I can't. You guys are too reckless," he groaned as he threw a pillow at them.

"Reckless? You're the definition of reckless! Come the fuck out here," Smiley yelled from behind the pair. Sighing Takemichi shoved his hoodie over his head.

"I'm not drinking."


The twins and Hakkai convinced Michi to have 'just one drink,' but of course one turned into two and two into three and so on it goes. He avoided Hina the best he could, but the more fuzzy his head got the more blurry his rational thinking became. He got dragged into playing beer pong against Emma and Draken, his teammate no other than his ex-girlfriend. Any attempt at a conversation, he tried his best to shut down, but cup after cup he found himself struggling to hold everything in.

"Aww I really miss this guys!"

"Yeah me too," Hina agreed with Emma before tossing her pong ball to land in the cup on the opposite side.

Draken raised an eyebrow at Takemichi before retrieving the pong ball and dunking it into the water cup. Takemichi blinked before tossing his own ball across.

"I mean who else am I going to double date with? I don't like any of the other guys girlfriends but me and Hina are like sisters!"

"What about Yuzu-"

"Oh cut it Draken, Yuzuha is single for life! Michi and Hina used to be endgame until-"

"Until we weren't. Can we quit talking about this?" Michi felt himself growing conflicted. His friends were split on the situation, and it bothered him entirely. If they couldn't support him were they really his friends?

"Yeah yeah fine. It's not that I don't like Y/n Michi.. I just-"

"Emma I don't care for your opinion!" Takemichi blurted. His eyes widened at his own response. Emma went quiet, before storming away from the table. Draken groaned as he picked up each cup of beer still left on their side one by one, and downed each one of them.

"Thanks Michi now I gotta stress about her," Draken cleaned up their end before walking off. Takemichi groaned loudly finding himself irritated by the entire ordeal. He stumbled slightly, reaching to grab a cup but was stopped by a grip on his wrist.

"Michi maybe you shouldn't," Hina stared up at him. The look on her face was gentle yet worried. His vision was hazy as his blue eyes had a lazy look to them, his cheeks red from all his alcohol consumption.

"Let me help you to your room you should relax," she sighed before throwing his arm over her shoulder as he stumbled in the direction of his bedroom, Hina's body holding his up. Everyone in the room observed but didn't say anything, but two people sat there feeling restless with Michi's back and forth.

As he laid down, Hina looked around his room seeing pictures of all his friends, her now missing from his collage of people he cared about. Her eyes fell on one image in particular, an imagine of him and Y/n at some sort of fair or carnival. She looked over to see Michi's face covered with his arm, and reached out to the picture and took it off the cork board collage.

A subtle knock was placed on the door before it opened, Mikey and Mitsuya standing there.

"Yo Hina, you should prob check on Emma."

"Right, let me just say bye to Takemichi."

"You probably shouldn-"

"I'm gonna say bye," she rolled her eyes before walking over to Michi's drunk figure. Michi drunkly pulled Hina down as she sat on the bed, pulling her into his grasp.


"You wanted to say bye right? So say bye properly," he mumbled looking down at her. Mikey scoffed walking away from the door in disbelief. Mitsuya frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair before pulling the door shut behind him. He walked up to Mikey who stood in the bathroom with the door open and his phone pressed to his ear. The look on his face was empty yet angry. Mikey was pissed. And he called the one person who'd suffer from the actions of all the people around him.

"Hey uh... Yeah. I need to talk to you about Takemichi it's important. We're still all at his place. Uh... Y/n? He's just really fucking stupid, but I don't want you to get dragged into it. Promise me you won't do anything stupid? I.. You still mean the world to me."


The party suddenly grew quiet. Everyone stared at the girl who walked in wearing a comfy black sweatsuit, her face bare. Mikey didn't hesitate to go up to her.

"He's just drunk. They had a little too much."

"So he ends up with her huh?"

"Maybe you should talk to him about it when he's sober."

"Nah. It's okay Manjiro. I don't need to know details. I hope you guys had fun," she shrugged before she walked towards Michi's bedroom. Opening the door, she seen Michi passed out on his bed, his arm draped over Hina's figure her eyes closed shut.

Y/n didn't have a reaction, which was even scarier than her not saying anything. She looked around the room, her eyes landing on his trash can. There was the picture they had took not too long ago. She simply looked to Mikey who peeked over to where her gaze previously fell, his eyes widening slightly.

"Hey, tell him I'll meet him here tomorrow. I'll be back in the morning."

"Wait Y/n-"

"Could you just trust me for once? I'm not the same person I was before Mikey. Just trust me, yeah?"

He gave her a silent nod before she headed back out of the apartment like nothing happened. Mikey groaned, storming into Michi's room and slamming the door wide open.

"Both of you idiots get the fuck up! Now," he screamed yanking Takemichi's arm and pulling him off the bed.

"Ow Mikey stop!"

"All that effort you put into Y/n? You mighta just fucked up. Fix it now or you'll regret it in the morning, and YOU. I don't care how jealous you get, how sad you are losing him. You drag Y/n into it, and hurt her? I'll ask Senju to 'talk' to you, since I don't fucking hit women."

Takemichi's brain took a bit to catch up to everything, before he sat up from where he laid on the floor and scrambled to his feet.

"Wait what?! What did I do??" He looked over seeing Hina on the bed and his eyes widened as he grabbed his keys and phone off the desk, but the waxy paper in the corner right under his desk lamp caught his eye. He saw the picture right then and there.


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