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Y/n was busy reading from the textbook in front of her, not bothering to look up when Takemichi took the seat in front of her. The library was quiet, but she could hear him as soon as he walked in the doors saying sorry to everybody he bumped into in his failed attempt to be punctual.

"Hey, I'm sorry for being late Y/n. I-I lost track of time and-"

"Just sit down," she rolled her eyes at him. Takemichi set his bag down on the ground carefully, taking his seat as quiet as he could. Y/n handed him a stack of papers containing practice questions she wanted him to complete. Pulling out a pen, he immediately got to working on the questions.

Y/n stared at Takemichi, as her acrylics subtly tapped on the wooden table they had occupied for their tutoring session.

"So. Did you take my advice?"

Looking up from the questions, Takemichi set the pen down bringing his gaze up to his tutor. Her chin rested in the palm of her hand as her elbow propped up her head. She held a bored face, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"A-Actually yeah. I cleaned the apartment last night. She seemed super happy."

"Well. It's the least you could do for her."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Y/n's eyes finally met with Takemichi's. He looked desperate as if he was begging for her to tell him more. Y/n was never one to fiddle too much in other people's relationship, but she often times heard Emma and Hinata talk about Takemichi's lack of effort in the relationship. She could tell it was never intentional, the boy clearly really cares for his girlfriend. Takemichi was simply an airhead. Something gravitated Y/n to help Takemichi solve his issues in the relationship, but she didn't want to get in the middle of him and Hinata. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but the desperation on his face melted her heart.

"Forget the tutoring session. Let's go to a cafe so we can talk more privately," she packed up her things, Michi not hesitating to do the same. He trailed behind her as they both exited the library, heading towards the small cafe on campus. Entering the cafe, Y/n found an empty booth sliding in while Michi slid in the seat across from her.

It didn't take long for a worker to come up to them, swinging her blonde braid over her shoulder and pulling out a notepad and pen from her apron. Finally looking up, the blonde put on a smile seeing two members of the huge 'friend group.'

"Michi! Y/n! I thought you guys had tutoring," Emma smiled, placing one hand on her hip. Michi's eyes widened not wanting to give off the wrong impression to one of Hina's best friends.

"We're gonna look over some notes here instead. Michi would just embarrass me with his bullshit in the library."

"Yup, that's exactly why Hina hates studying with you Takemichi. Anyway, I'll get you guys your usuals! Be right back," she turned around skipping towards the store counter. Takemichi let out a soft breath, feeling relieved that Hina didn't take anything the wrong way.

"Let me just say this. I don't know you or Hina that well. All I know is, you're sloppy, loud, oblivious, and sometimes self-serving. You have a long way to go to being the ideal boyfriend."

"Ouch.. you didn't have to say it like that," Takemichi awkwardly scratched the back of his head. Y/n glared at him before Emma returned setting down their drinks.

"Your food should be out shortly!"

"Thanks Em," Y/n smiled at her before picking up the cup and taking a sip from it.

"Do you think I could get better for her?"

"Maybe if you got psychotherapy," Y/n chuckled to herself before seeing the serious expression on Takemichi's face and returning the cup back down to the table.

"If you had the right help you'd be an amazing boyfriend Takemichi. The love you have for Hina is like no other. But you gotta learn to put her first."

Takemichi blushed slightly at the girl's words, clearing his throat before picking up his cup.

"The right help... you think someone could help me?"

"Yeah why don't you ask Emma?"

"She'd just tell Hina. What about you Y/n? Do you think you could help me?"


"Pretty please? Please please please? I'll tell you all of Mikey's secrets if you do," Takemichi begged the girl. She laughed loudly, holding her stomach as she cackled at the boys begging and pleas.

"Jokes on you Michi. I know Manjiro Sano like the back of my hand," she winked at Takemichi. He gasped nearly dropping the mug he was holding, the immediate thought of the powerful blonde and his tutor engaging in lewd and risqué activities.

"Y-You and M-Mikey have se-"

"No you fucking idiot! I fucking hate men I swear to god. We're just fucking close, I've never seen Mikey's dick purposely," she groaned. Takemichi snickered at her reaction of being accused. The two sat there awkwardly once again, before Emma approached the table setting down their plates of food.

"Here you go! I'll be back around in a little while it's getting kinda busy," Emma apologized before jetting back off.

Immediately digging into their meals the two spoke no words, sitting in silence for a few minutes. Y/n set down her wrap, wiping her hands on a napkin.

"I'll help you Takemichi. Only cause I see your potential. We have a lot of work to do."

"Great, what's first?"

"Um... Your wardrobe."

"What's wrong with my outfits?!"

"You dress like you're in high school still Takemichi. You need a makeover asap."

Y/n stood up from the booth abruptly walking over to the register and paying for both of their meals. Returning back she grabbed her bag.

"Let's go."

"But I didn't get to fini-"

"Now Takemichi," she demanded as she walked out of the cafe expecting him to follow right behind her. Like a lost puppy he did, snatching both the rest of his sandwich and the rest of her wrap in his hands as he rushed out the restaurant.

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